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Poofness Report - March 11, 2007

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You say you got a real solution

Well, you know

We'd all love to see the plan

You ask me for a contribution

Well, you know

We're doing what we can

But when you want money

for people with minds that hate

All I can tell is brother you have to wait

Don't you know it's gonna be all right

all right, all right


ah, ah, ah, ah, ah...

You say you'll change the constitution

Well, you know

We all want to change your head

You tell me it's the institution

Well, you know

You better free you mind instead

But if you go carrying pictures of chairman Mao

You ain't going to make it with anyone anyhow

Don't you know it's gonna be all right

all right, all right

all right, all right, all right

all right, all right, all right

Greetings and Salutations,

While most lenders who write to me, haven't seen or even heard of deliveries, some have, not as rumors but direct knowledge of someone who's left these shores, they personally know. Still the question remains, when will they clean out the rest who haven't? Deliveries are also taking place in Europe and other places albeit, 'slowly'. The Europeans are said to be so mad they could spit. Everyone has to stay in pace with the us. The Germans called this in the spring of 2005, very angry that they had to allow the Americans to handle their own deliveries, as they saw it then as a potential problem. Whether we like it not, very high level officials have the capacity to disregard agreements and use subterfuge to arrogantly pursue their own goals. This in no way means they can keep it up indefinitely. It just means the world will take things to another level, at the expense of the American economic system, and the 'disappearance' of key people, who believe they are untouchable.

Watch the media, as some of this stuff won't be able to be hidden.

I have always said, if this thing is driving you nuts, you should find something else to pay attention to. I'm about as far down this rabbit hole as one can get, without being an insider, and I get highly angry when certain news comes to me. Don't think for a second, I sit here placidly like a sublime Buddha staring at my navel. I just handle it differently. I direct it, instead of lashing out at people, willy nilly. Can't be raging on the world, when the world isn't the problem. That makes as much sense as tearing a country apart because you don't like it's leaders but folks are still using Neanderthal and cro-magnon methods to solve their problems, so what could you expect? Throw backs, the lot of them, feigning 'intelligence', while being totally bereft of it. Be aware, the illusion is about to be shattered beyond repair or reassembly.

The week began with an event that was suppose to happen on Monday, not happening until Tuesday. As usual, one day alters all events proceeding from it, throwing off the timing. It was thereafter, when the pitter patters began coming in. Much of what was going on, or the reasons why, have been kept from me. No explanations given, just 'what'. I have my suspicions but I'll keep them to myself, there's enough rage out here. As for you who like to send me messages about how deranged I must be, over a farcical program, you're wasting your time trying to get a rise out of me. If it helps you to believe that, let that be your own therapy, but I'm not a 'joiner' or a 'we' person and I have no problem hitting delete. Safe mail lost a bunch of servers the beginning of the week too and since I was on one of them, a lot of messages were either bounced or if I did get in couldn't respond anyhow. So if you weren't sending me hate mail and I didn't respond, that's why.

My people could not give me a reason why things are running slowly, and only said deliveries continue. My own reports could prove that, so nothing has been stopped, but still I look for the skies being parted and everything left is dropped. The global tensions are only increasing, despite the nice talk you hear out of the administration and fox news, who've just been declared neither fair or balanced. I don't know if it will downpour this week or not, but I do know some of you will receive and go away. So good luck and may the rest us soon join you.

Consultations remain available, and I'll catch up with you, as quickly as, possible. Donations and payments are handled thru account or by emailing for the land address. Cheers and Good Luck this week, may it be your name pulled from the hat.

Love and Kisses,
