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Poof Report - September 2, 2007

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of misbehavior, I'm willing to bet, is quite incomprehensive to the average person. Yet, freedom, in it's true sense, is what makes civilizations become greater, but remains the greatest fear to the current ruling govs of anytime in history. Govs who refuse to change with it's society become extinct, as no life is static. By definition, life connotes change.

With that being said, I am reminding every reader I've had since 2000, of what I've been telling you since then. Change is here, no longer a 'probable' reality. Keynes' economic philosopher's have expended much energy and money, I might add, that you can actually run a banking industry on air, indefinately. They've bet their existence on it. At this moment in time, you are witnessing the results of that belief. Still, at this moment, regardless of the great unknown factors of how bad the losses are, they will swear by the great god Keynes this is just a 'correction', not the great corrosive end to the status quo. By the way, if you don't know this philosophy, check it on google, it just basically says it's ok for gov's to spend money they don't have, the birthplace of 'supply side economics' or what I call, 'modern fuedalism'. Something GW's daddy called 'voodoo economics' before he was offered vice president with reagan, and just before he drank a gallon of the 'kool aid'. There must've have been a lake full of that kool aid, as some of the smartest people started shifting common sense for this weird concept and fantasy that debt doesn't matter. Greenspan used to extol the wisdom of gold....yo mr magoo, what up son? What made you create bubbles? Bernake doesn't know what to do but keep pumping air in the bubble.

As I stated before, long before there was a 'wanta fund', what you await was created, intended for shifting the wealth of the planet. Reagan was not even running for president when all this stuff was being put together for distribution. I'm not talking out of school here, the europeans know(brussels at least) the source of this money but find it much easier to let the scuttlebutt run it's course than correct it. There really is a world gov, and it has teeth, despite the duplicity you hear out here about a different relationship you're told about between the us and brussels over this thing.(the us bows before the wigs) It's never been brain science, it's all been simple. This ancient thing is finished being distributed in the world, the imf programs are released, the proverbial hits the fan, as a new global banking system is engaged. Keynes philosophy goes the way of the dodo bird. Think the dragon is just sitting there accepting insults? There's more fire for the furnace. (breathe)

Ok that was enough to get all the brain trusts stirred up out here. Watch your email box, here it comes! But, explain why 'someone' is betting heavy the stock market is going to crash at the end of this month. I didn't need any inside info to figure this out and if I had the money I'd have been right along side of them betting hard. Let's say they finally get the rest of us out of the way this week. It'll take whatever time for you to start accessing your money, let's say within a week. Within that week the imf funds will be accessible to them, money flowing every whichaway. According the imf folks, the new banking system will be engaged and wall st looks like 1929 revisited, that's taking in the 15th easily. The fed or whomever will throw whatever they do at the stock market, in the process...that could make this 19th date a reality. I'm not calling any dates because there's way too much flux out here but somebody's in the ballpark. All I'm saying to the receivers of this and other programs is, whether you get your passport to freedom tomorrow, the next day, or the day after that, this must be ended 'now' and there's no way around it. We are Not expendable. Money HAS to be taken down to the ground level, as the bankers are in deep doo doo, and if most are unwilling to lend their cousins money, they sure aren't going to be doing 'trickle down' to us...thus the true problem would be left unresolved. 'Institutions' aren't how this problem is taken care of. They are way too involved in self preservation.

My tracking from last week's deliveries tells me this, they were working on folks in the 000k input level and now they are directing their attention at the 'less than' category....where the bulk of us reside. It's not my fault no one is trusting the nesara crowd with information, stay off the clouds for a minute maybe someone will tell you something that's firmly planted on the ground. (understand the term 'grounded') People are not receiving 2 packages, they are getting one, and it has everything they've gotten into enclosed, plus they can access imediately. None of this is delineated, as in you have 5 units in d, 5 in charco, 6 in o, etc, etc. You get the bulk statement and that's it. I noticed a lot of folks don't even remember all the programs they got into thru the years! People know their own experience, so it's a waste of time to say no deliveries are taking place. You just don't know anyone who has and leave it there, don't make blanket bush statements, declaring there have been none, because it doesn't fit your reality. Nobody actually knows how many folks are being delivered except the engineers in germany, last I heard they ain't telling.

Will they clean us up this week???? I don't know but I do know this; they better hurry, the whole shootin' match is going to hell in a handbasket and 'they' have no control over it. The us banks sold big stinking turds of products to the world and now the world is reacting and everyone over here has a problem with that.(but we're the us) It's like if you went and bought a car that was suppose to be new and you were expecting at least a 100,000 thousand miles out of it and it broke down within months of purchase. Then they turn around and down grade us bonds sold to china, you complain and they tell you oh well, it was really a used car and you didn't spot 'as is' in that little teeny lettering in the contract. The next time some yo yo get's on tv and tells me the us economy is going like gangbusters, I'm getting out the double bitted ax and I'm going hunting. I lived in dc and I know the neighborhoods all the way out into the suburbs. BTW, the natives of DC don't believe or live by any of the crap the rest of the country does, it's called practicle experience. This child is watching homeless people increasing outside our door, am I suppose to tell her junior knows what he's doing and everything is ok? That don't fly with these kids nowadays. This child is already debating the issues of becoming a 'mediator'...we call it a diplomat! I caught a kid in 2000 saying george bush was on tv too much. She says, aren't presidents too busy to be on tv all the time? Well honey tell him that and say something about his languaging while you're at it, ok? New book title, 'Doofus Goes to Washington'. Thought I was crazy in 2000 didn't ya???? Hang in there, there's more coming. This is the last thing I'm going to say on this insanity, you're suppose to believe as reality, junior will be known as the greatest president this country has ever had, as he has eclipsed reagan, as the greastest thinking mind since Aristotle and Plato. Ask Karl, for godsake, his brain. Oh that's right, he's at home now.

Alright, I'm thru ragging on these folks. This is a case of 'peter's principle' at work, and we're all expecting more than we're ever going to get. They got a mental roof and that's all there is to it. Poor Tony Snow, he's only making 168k a year and he has to get a job to cover his bills, what's wrong with this picture? "I don't recall". We have places for you 'thinking people' in any event. Oh yea, will someone tell these brain scientists out here that the bank of england belongs to the rothschilds and that stealing gold from it would be the same as committing literal suicide, like junior waking up with a horse head in the bed between him and laura. If you're going to run this conspiracy stories at least know who owns what out here. ain't the queen of england.

Consultations remain available. Donations are need and accepted at account You don't have to but try and wave to me as you leave these shores. Even if I don't have mine yet, I actually really like it to know you folks are leaving. Just a simple nod as you go by.

As for the rest of you that believe credit suisse is your bank so you don't have to leave the us, have fun with that, ok? A whole bunch of us, will be enjoying, what you left for us. What part of junior do you still believe? The truth is you're chicken...baw bawk bawk bawk. How are going to call your self american when you don't acknowlege where your family came from first? And what? You're afraid of of meeting your europeans cousins????? This is a melting pot! So now, you're scotch/irish, grandparents are for crap now? Those damn german relatives, arrgh! Freakin' french parts of me, are bad, it's all badddd. Have you lost your minds??? Unless you're Ute, Lakota, Apache, Cheyenne, Winnabago, Iraquois, or Cherokee(and I have not named them all) don't start acting like the europeans have three heads. If you don't have a reddish brown face when you look in the mirror, you ain't from around these parts and it's time to own it, stop listening to the propaganda. Check the pedigree on any of these blue blood american families, that know this, it's their job to keep you from remembering, you have a global family. The world is your oyster, think about it. It doesn't all start and begin in the US.

Love and Kisses,
