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Poof Update: 4/22/07

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me get a message out without exposing anyone. It is written in the reggae style, meaning there's political and spiritual implications buried in it.

The last couple of weeks have netted huge changes across the financial and emotional networks, everywhere. Not since november of 2003 have I seen such a large gathering of bankers and 'interested parties', meet on the same subject, reach a conclusion, and put it into action. I would say it is fitting now, that this august group would come together for the end and beginning of 'the plan'. It's like that old statement that's been made by many, 'If you want to get something done, sometimes you just have to do it yourself'.

Not since that time, have vast decisions been made regarding these programs being dispensed. Such as, taking the dollar out of the equation and fastening everything onto the euro. Simutaneously, they went east for support in their payout, as far as, china! This is also when the decision was reached to let the banks use part of our funds, after we access, for which they would pay interest, as the quarterly installments are liquified into the account. Imagine that, a bank actually paying interest for using your money, it sounds soooo last century. So it is fitting that, where it all began, from when paperwork from the old holdings of the foundation were first brought, it would return for final dispensation, Brussels. This of course, takes things out of the bickering depts into the total purview of what some of us know as, the world government. The very same place where the us went in the spring of 2003 to have deliveries aborted, for national security concerns. Sometimes 'delegating authority' ain't all that's cracked up to be either, ask george bush.

There were several, what we could call, regional meetings first, amongst certain principals, but all culminated in brussels. The orginal trustees were also relieved of their responsibilities, as the foundation with it's attending trusts, are dissolved into history. Those who remain, will be relieved of their functions, as the funds are delivered into the awaiting hands, and their jobs dissipate, as no longer needed. All funds were audited...aga in...after all the foolishness of a couple of weeks ago, was cleaned up, and I use that term loosely. But all is straight in the hoppers for a full blown drop and as near as I can tell, Brussels is ready to drop the flag and turn these couriers loose on a mad dash across the world.

This was always the orginal plan, drop all packies from the east to the west(of the world), never stopping until all time zones had received. The resultant effects of when massive amounts of people begin accessing funds across the world, which also includes those imf programs, are designed into the plan, which is loosely term, 'organized economic chaos'. We'll christen it, 'OEC', for folks that need terminolgies for things.

Folks I'm not debating the debit card issue, I've said enough about it, you're free to believe what you choose. You'll know for sure when you open; the packy. Everything is so simple, it defies the mind that needs complicated procedures to accomplish the mundane. A gentleman involved in writing the nd and instructions said once, 'everything is written on a 3rd grade level, unless a person can't read, they'll have no problems'. All I'm inferring with that is to let you know, the more complicated the info coming at you, the less true it is. No one is trying to trick you in europe, it serves the big plan for you to receive your money. As I've said in the past and others who 'got it' have said, this is about shifting the wealth on the planet, from one set of hands to another. This can't be accomplished following the status quo. The world is financially top heavy and you have to move things to the base before the whole thing falls over on itself...which would be called, 'unorganized chaos'.

That's about all I can tell you in this format. Expect to receive, expect everyone to receive, and know the fat lady is hitting high c over c. Keep your council about yourself and help each other out, as needed. I'll catch up with you who were missed in the consultations, as long as, I'm here, if necessary email me again. Donations are handled thru account or by emailing for the land address.

Thank you and good luck. Consultations are still available.

Love and Kisses,
