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Casper Report - May 21, 2007

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ak big news on the net as they are continuously writing anyway. It's never there, none of it. So I am left to conclude that they just don't know, unless of course, they also have had their mouths (or fingers) taped.

Fifteen (now twelve) class three (or above) federal judges, have been managing our "deal" domestically. What they have been through, what they have had to contend with still can't be told, but today's update might give you some idea.

The Swiss have set up five banks in the U.S. for us to access the cards as if we were offshore. Barring further difficulty, we will not have to travel, after all. Arrest warrants for 1503 bad guys were "cut", many were served including Cheney and John Roberts, and then G.W. overrode them with an Executive Order or Directive. They are being reissued. Announcements were scheduled and stalled every time deliveries were aborted. Threats to the media have been repelled and airtime doubled. The "suitcase" is in play and is said to be so devastating to G.W. that he will have to resign.

Another "delegation" arrived last week, one half Chinese the other half Interpol and people from various countries. They are deeply involved in our deal plus getting Leo Wanta paid. The monetary and banking changes will be accompanied by the "Constitution rising". Merkle was secretly assisting the bad guys. There are HUGE sums involved in all this which are unrelated to our programs.

Distribution of the Marshall Plan funds, for example, which have been in trade for 25 years. The packs which trigger all deliveries were moved to and fro more times than I can count; only to find they were dummy's with the Supreme Court holding the real packs.

Every conceivable thing and several unmentionable things were done to stop deliveries. Hillary has paid her caretaker staff in Arkansas through the end of 2011 in cash and quick-claimed the property to staff's relatives. Impeachment papers for G.W. are proceeding forward.

Today is a typically interesting day. The carriers refused the federal judges orders to deliver yesterday saying it was the Sabbath, so the judges (all twelve) issued orders to deliver today or "out of business" orders will follow tomorrow.

They were following orders of Carlyle so Carlyle was served with and injunction at 10 a.m. this morning by U.S. Marshalls. Spies there say they have been burning up the phones all morning calling Jr., Sr., the judges, etc., trying to stop deliveries today. Jr. called the judges this morning trying to stop deliveries. Asked who he was he said, "I am the president of the United States". "Not according to the constitution; you converted your ranch to international property; therefore, YOU ARE NOT THE PRESIDENT". "TO HELL WITH THE CONSTITUTION SAID G.W.". I hear there is a Senate delegation en route to the ranch "as we speak".

I also hear they have been advised to take their passports as they will need them to "get back into this country". Suddenly their trip is up in the air. (Nicely said by Casper, and very revealing if his inference is at all accurate or true.)

And so friends, hopefully we will see deliveries today and be able to obtain unfolding news on CNN very shortly after deliveries.

If not, due the critical nature of the present moment, I will update again later this week.

Prayers are very much in order right now. Pray for our country, our Constitution, our men and women in uniform, and most especially for the small group of Patriots who are doing everything humanly possible to save us from the Bush/Clinton/Bush crime syndicate which has hijacked our country.

Casper 5-21-07