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Sananda Through Laruen Gorgo-August 1, 2006-Finding Our Place (with Response from Dan)

Lauren Gorgo

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the Earth plane. Today is the heralding of a new era, an era of

peace. Take not too lightly the commencement of change about to

unfold in your reality. Take not too lightly the way in which man

has unleashed the beast. Take not too lightly how all those who

sacrifice their lives for your learning have done so in vain for

your leaders who sit idly by in the face of destruction.

Your country men and women who kill and destroy in the name of peace

are exposing the true and covert meaning behind war. It has been

said by many leaders that in order to defend a nation one must

defend at all costs, even in the name of self sacrifice. This

idealistic teaching has forced many against their divine will to

harm themselves and those whom they would save in there own

countries of origin. This horror of carnage and suffering can last

no more.

Rise up now and unite with your brothers and sisters of faith.

Create the centrifuge of love and compassion necessary to swell the

hearts of those currently in control of your destiny. Take to the

heart of those who are desperately seeking your help and allow for

no other to take control of your sovereignty ever more. This is the

month of the lion's roar. This is the month when the meek shall

inherit thy Earth. This is the month of great change. Many before

you have worked tirelessly for the culmination of events about to

erupt in the ripple of time approaching. This tidal wave of change

has been building in the ethers for centuries and now comes to wash

over your Earth with great and mighty force.

The power of a lion's might is what will precede the path for the

gentle lamb. Those gentle souls of the higher ways will finally have

a place to breathe when the Lion takes down all that stands in its

way. Together they make a balanced team of compassion and ardor. As

above, so below. The balancing of these energies, symbolically male

and female, will finally come to break the tie in this game of tug

of war. As these energies exclusively fight for dominance, they will

implode upon themselves in a great and balanced fashion. This

collision course is the necessary force that has been driven to its

final days. It will be in the clashing of these energies that the

light of truth will finally have a place to emerge. This ongoing

battle of good versus evil has played its last trumpet. No more will

there be the need for fighting in the name of peace as each of you

now realize that the two cannot coexist.

Before you lies the greatest and most fantastic journey that you

have struggled long and hard to attain. What you see arising in the

Middle East is only a fraction of the changes that are beginning to

emerge. All around you people of every race, creed and gender are

beginning to transform in preparation for what's about to unfold.

Many cannot speak of these changes for they have no words. Many are

feeling unsure of their lives and the foundation upon which they

built. This is a natural tendency and one by which all of you can

assist with your vast knowledge and uninterrupted faith. Take to

those who you can nurture in these times and let go of those who

refute. Your place is with those who beckon your help.

In this last push to overthrow all that is not fit for an ascending

planet, we hasten the tie between two worlds converging. In this

many will be thrown from there current belief system into a world of

disbelief and confusion. As it goes, reality will change in an

instant and it will be up to you to begin your journey as

wayshowers. The time for each of you to take the reins is afoot.

Know that as each of you awakens to your divine potential and

purpose at this very special time, there will be those who escort

you and assist in your new found ways of being. You are never alone

as we are always the invisible guiding light, but it will be the

action of each of you that will tie up all the loose ends in

preparation for your beloved planet to transform.

Now more than ever is the time to narrow your focus and become

comfortable in your pursuits. Divine timing insists that the moment

for the shift is a chosen one, but once chosen, it will become an

unstoppable force. Find your place and keep your peace, all else

will be done for you. You decide, we ensure. Playing it safe is a

non-commitment. Commit to your place in these end times and allow no

fear or doubt to overtake your mission to serve. We are preparing

each of you for your divine roles and each of you deeply knows what

that is.

Be open to receiving your wishes and you will find your dreams will

replace reality. Those who have risen before you come to lead the

way. Blessed be all who come in the name of Creator. Your time is

now. I Am Sananda Immanuel. Be always in peace.

* * * * * * *

Dan's Response

----- Original Message -----

From: slc


Sent: Tuesday, August 01, 2006 2:15 PM

Subject: [PagPawnt] Exchange with Lauren following latest Sananda


This is an exchange with Lauren this morning following her latest posting from Sananda. She thought it might be a good idea to share, as did I.

Bless all of you in the ground you stand and the things you do. It is time for the TRUTH.



Under the subject line of: Sananda's latest… "And the beat goes on…"


Good morning from Idaho. I have been working, informing, and sharing the news for a very long time in my part of the world. I discovered that actual world & plans for NESARA in March of 05, but had my emancipation from my world of controlled thought (religion) in 1986. And since the epiphany of 9/11, 2001, I believe my eyes became fully opened to the serious need to change the world.

I don't mean to be impertinent with this question, truly, but I know this question is on the lips of many, if not all that I am aware of in Discerning Angels and AbundantHope folks....

My question is (in the form of many questions, all the same) ...Really? Today is a day of new beginnings? Today? What happened to July? What happened to June? What happened to the many, many months of promises? To "enough IS enough?"

To keep enduring all the "new age hope & rhetoric (crap) for the future" is getting very worn out. I do not believe in the sanguinely sweet rainbows and lollipops of the new age.... So I am having a hard time hearing yet again... "Today is a day of new beginnings..." Of course it is. How obvious is that? "Today is the first day of the rest of your life..." Blah, blah, blah...

You see, I have NO TROUBLE believing in the actual NESARA. I have no difficulty in believing that there is a critical need for the change that is promised, nor difficulty in believing in the Galactic presence of our collective families. I have no problem lending what little I can really do to the cause. I have no problem believing in the real roles of Bush, et. al., and in observing the purpose of the rampant evil on the face of our beloved Gaia. But I am having a harder time now in believing all the promises (rhetoric until proven otherwise) by the Ascended Ones that go unfulfilled.

It is very hard to believe in things unseen. In fact, the dark has used this as one of their greatest tools with the propagation of religion through the ages. Believe in the unseen, hope for the better world to come. And all the while that people are believing in those things not seen and planning for the life to come, the dark rule behind the scenes.

But recently, and repeatedly we are told to be neutral, to have no expectations. I am at the point, though, with no expectations of also having no hope. To know of NESARA and our Galactic family, is still not knowledge, until either or both finally show their faces to the world. It would be far more accurate to say that we believe in NESARA and our Galactic family, and that the knowledge will follow when and IF they show up.

I am tired of this "believing exercise" in futility. Believing is wearing me out. I am ready for action, and ready for "them" to show up, undeniably, unequivocally, unmistakably, and on purpose. We all are.

Yet, we are about to launch into another month of promises that this will be the month, and the beat goes on, the beat goes on. Drums keep sounding rhythms off to war....

Yes, I am venting. To a stranger who feels not like a stranger. Sorry. The status quo is preventing the greatest work of healing that could happen on this planet. What would it truly be like when the fear is gone, the limitation and lack are over, and peace and prosperity reigns for the whole human family? That's when the work of ascension will take off.

To the Ascended Ones I would say, "Stop the rhetoric - just show up." We CAN handle the TRUTH. It's time for us to HANDLE the truth.

Thank you for your major contributions to this time in history. This is what I wanted to say.

Dan Vincent


Lauren's reply……

Hi Dan...It would be callow of me to intimate that the practical side of things is easy to ignore in these gruesome times. What you proclaim here is truth, truth for all of us. We are all hanging on by a proverbial thread in the name of "faith". Most of us have sacrificed our name, pride, financial security, health and maybe even our sanity for this 5 letter word. In our reality, there is no movement. The blocks are so deeply embedded within our society that it is alluring to think nihilistically in these darkest of times, I would agree.

Yet, there is something that keeps us here even when the promises don't pan out. Even when another date passes us by and we sink into more despair, we still find ourselves unwilling to let go of the only vestiges of hope remaining in the darkest hours. We could walk away, but we don't. I ask the same questions as you and try desperately to put my own fears of disillusionment aside when I hear these repetitive words from the invisibles each day. All for the sake of hope for a better world. The one we are in obviously does not suit any of us anymore, we all realize that. The pain is often too much to bear and we are all getting to the point of apathy....but that the point? Is apathy what is required to let go and let God? It sure feels like there is nothing else


So yes, I would agree...all these words are just talk at this point and talk is getting real tired. But I can't ignore the obvious signs that the deeper we delve into the density of this world, the worse I feel. That is to say that I am inextricably linked to whatever is happening on a global scale and so I know I will not be free until we are all free. SO to give up on myself is to give up on humanity and that is a price I am unwilling to pay in the long run. Can things go on like they are? Not without complete annihilation. SO as I see it I have 2 choices...I can believe in the inevitability of annihilation, or I can believe in the inevitability of divine intervention. For me, I choose the latter. And I have a strong feeling that you do too regardless of how long it takes.

That being said, this has to be the end. Our time left in duality is limited. Sananda has said that this last push will be a big one as the Lion's gate opens and sets the beast free. August is always a strong sun sign for change...if you have lost hope in an intervention, then focus on astrology. It will convince you of the inevitable. When we all lose the control of expectation then Gods plan can take the lead. We've proven that the human ego is perilous. I for one am depleted and know that I have nothing left to give without some serious help from above. That is the case with the entire world...As above, so below.

Hold on Dan. Just when you think you cannot go any longer, you reach deep down and find that you have already arrived... because it is in that moment that you see through the illusion.

With deepest respect for your journey,


P.S. This would be my answer to all those whom you say have the same questions therefore if you feel it will help others, feel free to post.


My reply...


Thank you for your quick and timely response. I can only imagine the crush of correspondence you get. Certainly I appreciate the time you place in my behalf to respond.

I am not at the end of my rope, though it sometimes feels like I am. At the end of my three wishes (two down, one to go) from the genie, I always ask for three more wishes!

I do believe in the inevitability of divine intervention, though without it, we are a doomed society. No rainbows on that horizon. That is why they have to show up.

Personal suffering aside, it is hard to get too worked up here in America when we see the ravages of unchecked, uncontrolled and unabated power running wild throughout the world and the middle east. Nevertheless, America holds the key, and the Galactic Federation seems appropriately focused here. As America goes, so goes the world. But plain and simple, their rhetoric (can only be understood as rhetoric until they deliver proof) needs to stop and they need to show up...for the show to go on.

Maybe the exchange of our words will prove helpful to others on various lists. I think it is a good idea to share them. I will post them on D/A and let the chips fall where they may.

I am not a telepath, though I feel I get through. I have often said of my self, that though I am not a "somebody", I am not a nobody. No self-deprecation intended. My voice is just as valuable to the mix and I don't mind sharing it.

It's just that I don't have any rainbows or lollipops to offer. I am much too practical. I am about tools and using them. The words of the new age are meaningless to me. So, it is unfortunate that it is only words on a public/global scale that I can share. Locally, I can lend the sweat of my brow.

Be well, Lauren, and thank you for emailing me back so soon.

Shine On...

