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Casper Update -- April 4, 2007

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ney AGAIN. Supposedly they "are being dealt with". The funds have subsequently been retrieved, put back where they belong and "bad guys" immunity again revoked. Deliveries now scheduled today, Wednesday, or tomorrow, Thursday or both with announcements to begin sometime between tonight and Sunday. As bizarre as this must sound to those who do not follow the bouncing ball hourly, I assure you it is the truth as understood by the key players worldwide.

Current instructions are to stay away from B of A, Wachovia and Chase. all are exceedingly corrupt. Expect delivery of the black and blue cards by private carrier and we continue to hear no problem with domestic access. The deposits are off-shore, you are calling AMEX to activate. Domestic banking appears to revolve around access to funds on cards and likely downloading to domestic bank accounts for normal usage. Instructions are in the package. B of A is buying Wachovia then being bought themselves.

As for mass confusion regarding Granny, Rothschild's, CNN, etc. etc., these subjects best left alone for now. Maintain faith in "good guys" and management by "higher powers". Don't forget the meaning of Easter while celebrating.

"Bad guys" have again signed documents agreeing to leave us alone. The private banking cartel known as the Fed is gone. massive monetary, banking, economic, political and constitutional changes to unfold. Timing and which comes first, second, third, etc. unknown, except to say announcements begin shortly after deliveries.

As we have experienced, everything is subject to change on a moments notice so if something else goes wrong don't fret, its happening.

Let's all meet wherever the needs are greatest.

Casper 4-4 07

P.S. Once again, this is apt to be my last update. Remember and think carefully about the responsibilities that come with immense wealth. We are more or less "on our own" so "keep your head down."