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Poof Report - April 15, 2007


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ns stop hating on each other. Lady Liberty didn't specify when she said bring me your tired and hungry, dispossessed, and all that, so here we sit in a melting pot of humanity, figure it out. As one writer put it so eloquently, this is a War on Consciousness, nothing else. The media supports the gov in keeping a dividing line between people, which keeps your attention diverted from what's really going on, to tripping on the small taties. I'm sure, the adminstration sent Imus a message of gratitude, for the time they got this week, to shift the set around for this coming week's production. This is Alberto's week, we get to listen to how many times he doesn't recall stuff and see Leahy's face get red, as he gets filled with righteous indignation.

So what was the real news, you were distracted from paying any attention to? The dollar got beat down against a whole bunch of currencies, gold is moving very solidly(this time)into higher territory, china refused to attend the G7 in dc, as they are 'displeased' , the fed is trying to make the word, 'recession' disappear from the american language, and I heard paulson telling the imf, 'we got this, we'll have it turned around by the end of the year' they wouldn't have clue about this economy. How about ol wolfowitz, getting his business put on the street at the world bank? How arrogant can you get? Get your girlfriend a different job with a pay increase and not even consult the board...folks that didn't like you in the first place? The interesting thing about the incident is that it took place in 2005, so why wait til this moment to raise a stink? You may or may not know this already, but there's blood in the water and the sharks are circling for a feeding frenzy.

The questions regarding who did what and what was going to be done with them mentioned in last weeks newsletter, appear to have been settled. Not in their favor either, I might add. There appears to be an admixture dropped into the whole, 'when the rest of us get paid' enmasse thing. Whether it's understood by this side or not, there's always been some 'somebodies' out here that had the wherewithall to 'take care of things' if it got too nuts using the normal diplomatic methods. I've been throwing rocks at their windows trying to get their attention, that it was already 'nuts'. Revolutions happen when the peasants get hungry and 'unhomed'. If you knew what the real score was on foreclosures in this country, you'd realize, the nervousness in the markets, is a lot more than conspiracy stories. It's bad, really bad! Now, as promised, the europeans are sliding in buying banks, mortgage companies, etc, at reduced costs. The formal announcement for the sheriff's sale hasn't even been given yet. The funniest sale that got my attention was when Cemex, a mexican cement concern, got approval to buy a big cement concern in this country. Whaaaa???? No wonder the border crossings are starting to back down. They'll find themselves working for the same companies here, that were paying them chump change in mexico. How ironic is that?

So it's become pretty obvious, everyone is on the same page out here. The bankers are either involved in some kind of merger or buying something up, or they are just holding huge hordes of cash so they can leap on it, at the right moment. My weather report says that moment is most any second right now. Somebody has to take the leap, or the lactic acid buildup in waiting is going to get too painful. Like the 2 buzzards sitting on the limb saying, 'patience hell, I'm going to kill something!'. I've told you all along, whatever had to happen, will happen, to get this business over with....whether you've had the patience or the belief to deal or not. I have also reminded you from time to time, nothing like this has happened since the Renaissance, you're involved in history. Presently, most don't really give a hoot, they just want their money, forgoing the necessary details to cause something like this to happen. We who are americans don't carry that kind of memory in our minds, we want everything done yesterday... nevermind the freakin' details or who we run over on the way to the bank! There are whole nations of people that haven't had one nickel to rub against the other, while we've waited and at least could feed ourselves, due to certain misbehavior amongst the heavy weight countries.

I can honestly say to you, if there's anything that would prevent delivery this week, some sorry so and so is going to have to make it up. I mean how many people do you have to kill before no one else wants to risk their mortality? As that's the state of things. The whole world is mad and they are turning that ire directly on the us and any compatriots aligned with them.(I'd love to be a fly on the wall at the G7) Nevermind terrorists, people in $5000 suits can do more damage than you could imagine, when you cross them. They can render your currency virtually worthless overnight, if they so desire. Have we all forgot what one man, George Soros, did to Japan in the 80's or how he smacked down the pound a few weeks later? Of course not, we're americans and that had nothing to do with us. But it did! Just like we're looking at the 60's revisiting our streets. You're suppose to notice when seasons repeat themselves, time loops, some call them. Hey wait a minute, we've already been thru this! Obviously something got missed the first time, that still has to be cleaned up.

To some's chagrin, I let you know that I do have quite the insight on on what's inside that packy. What I have told you is dead on even confirmed by some who've crossed the waters and accessed their funds. The line about, 'nobody knows what's in the packy', carries no weight, as they who've 'done it' can verify what I've told you. First of all, of course, you have to believe No One, no one at all, has received, therefore no one could possibly be able to verify what's included. If someone of you really knew that some of your neighbors, probably the one's you don't talk to, have received, you'd probably blow a gasket. The activities taking place have had to with the whole neighborhood getting theirs' not just the 'dart board' thing. I can tell without blinking an eye, you will not get a debit card with billions or millions on it, and the sponsor of that message needs to check their heads to even open their mouths to tell people things like that. No more than accepting a bit of common sense.

Let's get ready to run y'all. Time is of the essence and chaos comes on our heels. Once you get a few good breathes of air and your head clears from all this anxiety, the rest of the info you need to fulfill your own desires will become staggeringly clear. It'll 'all come together, like a good piece of leather'. I'm still knocking out consultations for folks that need them. I'm doing my best to help you folks keep your money but I can't help folks that believe this administration really has their best interests in mind, you're on your own. I'm not arguing with anyone. You have free will and what you do with it determines your future. BTW, some folks still don't get it, I absolutely shut my mouth as soon as that nice person stops by and hands me my freedom papers, as I sign the non disclosure. I will reappear in some european venue somewhere, in a timely fashion.

I remain available for consultations by contacting this email address, until the last moment. Donations are needed and appreciated. account 2goforth@safe- Land address available by contacting this address. Big hugs everyone and pray hard you don't hear another thing from me on this side of the water.

Love and Kisses,
