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Message From Poof - 3-4-07

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is program was not complete by the time they reopened their markets. They were their word and sent the markets into the tank. If I had not gotten the prewarning, the idea out here that, 'they lost control' or 'they messed up', might sound plausible, as it does to most folks in the game. The assumption that they would only hurt themselves, if they started dumping dollars, was proven to be pure ideology, unfounded in facts. Seems the dragon has a treasure stashed in the cave where it'd been sleeping, gold, silver, jewels, you know, hard assets that stand on their own. Here's an article sent to me by a lender, I thought worth the read, since so many surprises are right before everyone.

Along with a few other central banks, China backed the euro on the release of this program, after failing to reach an agreement with the USA, over the use of dollars. There had been ongoing discussion between the europeans and the fed in Paris, negotiating the 'cut' wanted by the fed to support it's release. It was in Nov 2003, when the europeans engaged a change, as it saw the constant reneging as nothing but a game. It went east, and that's how china became directly involved, with us...along with a few other countries. That's not all there is to this big financial flip out here. Some of you know and even have contact with folks in the imf programs, who've been waiting right along with us.

These programs fund humanitarian projects all over the world. There are major chunks that go into asia, china, notwithstanding. Asia, as a collective said, 'that's enough time, no more excuses'. They pulled the trigger. Paulson probably already told the administration, the Chinese weren't playing, but considering how these guys have 'missed' several hints the chinese dropped on them from the moment they came into office, I'm not surprised they called their bluff. I can hear Cheney right now saying, 'they wouldn't dare'...

They 'dared' take a spy plane apart and photograph all it's tech, while holding military personel until they were done, before returning the thing in a big pile. Laser tech, missile tech, usable on satellites, inventers of the 'art of war', the world's largest economic engine...what am I missing here, why would any intelligent person want to call their bluff? Ah, but few these days know the way of dragons.

So, as the events rolled out this week, on the very day the markets went nuts, our personal trustees were made completely liquid. These are the people you'd meet if you went to a bank in the us, or any other country, where trustees are. They are all over the world. If you go to europe, the person you meet at the bank, knows exactly how to handle your business. Once that happened, these folks could go without any hurdles to jump over. Things out here got very quiet, except for the occasional pitter patter of a delivery drop hitting my boards. At the very same time, our brethern in waiting, the imf folks, were alerted from their slumber.

The next thing I hear, they've put their heavy hitters on notice to be ready to turn the big keys, and the whole thing is ready to dump. Now this is trillions, mind you, hitting the markets, the ground, whatever and whereever, nearly simultaneously. It's comparable with a tsunami that starts in the east and rolls west all the way to hawaii. Kind of like what happened this past tuesday with the shanghai index and while we were asleep, rolled across europe, and about the time you got your second cup of coffee down, hit us, from NY to Chi to La. Well, that's the plan and as I said before, performance is job one. Git 'r done!!!

I remind you to lay low for a little while before you try and jump into any investments other than metals. If metals, take personal delivery(not in the us) don't play paper games out here. Hard assets are what's going to survive this, the 'air' is being taken out of the whole thing. Just go somewhere and kick back, let the big boys kick the snot out of each other. When the dust settles, look around and see who survived, then proceed. This will be patience, in comfort, waiting won't have the same meaning as it does now. Quite different than the patience used up to this point.

That's it, look for it. We're in the window and that's official. "Good Night and Good Luck"

"Love and Kisses" "Poof" ...............................................