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it o n the 10th. I feel sorry for him. It is not his fault but relies on word from those who are handling it and even the Head of it all-- the spiritual warriors are subject the Higher Realms. This is suc h a mind boggling thing for our country and others such as yours. Your leader , Blair, is one who will be removed. Actually it is more important than all that happened in 1776 and on.

This is the accumulation of many years for us.

This planet . Earth, is the only planet which has not yet joined the Federation of Planets. We, so called humans, were given the opportunity to raise earth to her place among the others. We have done that against all the enemies intent on dragging the earth and her population down. So many will now drop out again but there will be a remnant to keep on until it is finished. You know that it is a 3 part happening---first the Announcement which will give all persons what they need and balance out the rich and the poor. Then will come the Hosts of Heaven--the landing of our brothers, Then the Return of Jesus, called by many names depending on what his duties are---here it is Sananda.---The Prince of Peace.

Anyhow it will come. Already Nesara is finished and waiting in the Spirit Realms. It is up to humanity as a whole to bring it to 3D. It has been a battle first in the Heavens and now it is won but must be drawn down by us It seems remarkable that 4 Winds has stayed it out all these years. The Law was first programmed in 2000/ Think of the flake from non believers and enemies of God and Us all these years. It just astounds me at the faith some few have. Now all are being tested in their faith.

I do not believe---I KNOW it is about to be done " on Earth as it is in Heaven!!!! to have faith is to follow some one else , Knowing is deep in the ",gut", to use a common term. We must stand fast and we shall see that Heaven on Earth soon

That is why you did not see the TV airing when it was supposed to air. Stand with me, my Friend Have Knowing, Thank you for all you given to me.

Love and Peace and Joy


PS I am sending this to Patrick also