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The Call Compells The Answer - Important Message Re. NESARA's Announcement

Re. NESARA's Announcement

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Sent: Friday, November 14, 2003 6:47 AM


Dear Patrick Bellringer,

We are students of Truth, and we work side by side with the Ascended Masters. Our names are Lelana and Cassandra.

Our total years of service with the Great White Brotherhood is 43 years. Cassandra's twin flame is Ascended Master Lord Confucious and my soul mate is beloved El Morya. Our divine blueprint is to teach Leadership Training after Nesara is announced.

The reason we are writing you is to share an important method of asking the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Benevolent Forces to intervene with getting Nesara announced. Just as postcards have served their purpose in the World Court, We the People can send a message "loud and clear" to the Ascended Host. How do you do that? Write your message on a piece of paper stating, " I am asking for direct intervention of the Ascended Masters and Benevolent Forces to get Nesara announced immediately." You date and sign this paper. Once the paper is burned, the message is sent into the etheric realm where it counts for the WILL of the people on earth. It will be answered!! The cosmic law is...THE CALL COMPELS THE ANSWER..

Would you please pass this powerful tried and true method to your readers worldwide to expedite this announcement ASAP.

On a personal note, after Nesara is announced, we (Lord Confucius, El Morya, Cassandra and Lelana) hope to travel in your area and offer the Leadership Training Seminar on God Government. At that time it will be our pleasure to meet you and your wife, Anne, in person.

May the Rain of Blessings fall on you and your family,

Lelana and Cassandra.

