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Global Consciousness For NESARA, NOW!

By Sebastien Mitaut

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ugh Jess Anthony, asking us, the humans on Earth, to firmly say and tell him “Stop (to the dark governance)”, and, “we’re ready now for the full coming of the Light with NESARA, … : Go !”

It’s a matter of global consciousness, so all the resources of all the Lightworkers around the world are needed to help manifest this great outcome.

We, the Lightworkers of Earth, have made a great job to help lessen Rita’s effects, so we now are aware of our great power of thought and co-creation trough this.

Wouldn’t it be time to do so for NESARA and other wonderful events to follow ?!... I think, it’s really time now. No more waiting is useful and necessary. Earth greatly needs this lightful upheaval right now too. The less waiting now, the very better.

Christ Michael says : “I am ready for this to end, but you still must make the decision to stop it. I will not intervene in an experiment I set in motion. But you have the power to end it for me. I ask you to do that as the final part of your agreement to come here at this time. This is your task. You volunteered. Finish it so we can go on. How can you want to stay with the current situation?”

“It is truly in your hands. You must act. »

« But man has to make the final and ultimate choice before I can say "Go ahead." Won't you make it? »

This choice belongs to us, the humans on Earth. Christ Michael can’t do it for us, against our free-will. He just waits for our “green light” to go ahead. This decision belongs to us, only us, at global scale (the human global consciousness, with a critical mass being reached).

So I propose to all the Lightworkers in the US and around the world to come together once more, as for Rita, and to firmly say Christ Michael through our divine consciousness and heart something about like this: “Now, we, the people on Earth, want the very and immediate end of this dark game, and are fully ready for NESARA and the other lightful events leading us to Ascension in the best conditions possible. We say you : GO now !”

We can also greatly help this process of rising up the mass consciousness toward this choice with meditation. Concentrate on, visualise the global human mass consciousness, and send her plenty of golden divine Light and Love, see her rising with discernment toward a critical mass to say “stop” and “no more now” to the dark games, and “yes, go” for a very more lightful outcome with a divine intervention.

Encourage every person around you wanting a more peaceful and lightful world (even if not aware of the Truth) to do so, in simple words, offering her the assurance that in these times now, it will have a real and deep effect.

It’s up to us now, the Lightworkers all around the world, to act and ask for the NESARA “Go ahead” !!! The final step of this Co-Creation belongs to us, and only us !! LET’S GO NOW !!

Thank you everybody to spread this message to your friends working for the Light as widely as possible all around the world. WE are ONE !!
