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Calling for NESARA Now!

Mary McChrist

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Mother of the Americas) Beloved Jesus and Mother Mary, all Legions of Light and Love, Saints and Sages, Mother Gaia and the entire elemental kingdom--we call you into action now.

NESARA, NESARA may freedom reign,

NESARA, NESARA bless Saint Germain,

Bring Freedom now, America be,

Sanctified and freed from Illuminate.

O come, O come, White Knights maintain,

Announce, announce with Saint Germain.

NESARA now, bring freedom back,

All taxes gone, there is no lack.

Mortgages paid, and credit cards too.

Bush team is out--Love-Light renew.

Bring protection now, to those who announce,

Wrapped by the angels, they will pronounce,

America now--America be free,

With Saint Germain and Holy Company.

New President arise and victory be,

America rise up and be cut free.

Your blueprint held by Mother God

We resurrect above, corruption and sod.

"Enough," we cry, the Liberty Bell rings,

"Freedom at last"--America sings,

"O blessed be," the children call,

"America, America, glory to all."

© 2007 by Mary McChrist. All Rights reserved. This may be shared for personal non-commercial use only, giving complete credit as shown. Web site: mother-matrix. org.