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Casper the Friendly Ghost

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day offering still more money (bribes) and various political favors. Simultaneously, led by DEMOCRATIC PARTY affiliated criminals they proposed a plan to stop treasury banking, preserve the current fiat system, steal ALL the peoples money from ALL prosperity programs and to then "spend" the money according to plans and programs they would provide. friends, this is not a political message. this is what happened today.

The avarice and corruption of these DIRTY ROTTEN SCOUNDRELS is known all over the world due their activities this week. every call to offshore banks today found personnel in and uproar and state of disbelief. how does one describe hate with words. everywhere people are foaming at the mouth over these evil, worthless bastards. everywhere they already knew, no updating or educating was necessary.

Superman informed “Shrub” today that if deliveries are not made tomorrow he will see him at the press conference. later in the day he decided to arrange deliveries himself, did so, and made arrangements to pay the carriers himself. Tonight all investors are gathering for a WAR COUNCIL. All are of like mind, "we will not accept the payoffs offered, we will defend and fight for the least of us". All the activities described herein are led by Jr., Sr., Clinton and the Democrats. "All hell breaking loose" in D.C. say sources there. Domestic bankers are well aware of goings on and supporting the criminals at highest management levels. Middle management and down are with us and are, quite often, participants with us. Overseas, GW. trying to provide all kinds of excuses for what he has done. our accounts are set up and awaiting our arrival to take the "restricted" tag off them. trustees worldwide, program managers and others see money on the computers with " red star". They are waiting for the stars to turn green so they can access. No one goes before us unless they accept payoffs to do so.

Merkle, the Queen, Bush, Clinton, John Roberts, Paulson, much of congress et. al. are in bed together trying to save the Federal Reserve Bank and the New World Order. Merkle's sister has apologized to half of Germany for her sister’s behavior. China appears to be back on our side after serious flirtation with Satan and his two son's Bill and G.W.

We are now observer's of a fight to the finish between good and evil. If you are unable to muster the courage to stand up and say "were mad as hell and were not going to take it anymore" then you can at least pray for those who are fighting for us and for their families. If you knew how many good and decent people have been "whacked" by these animals over the years I'm sure you would do both.

Deliveries tomorrow or press conferences tomorrow. one or t'other.

Thank you big investor's!! Thank you Superman, from all of us to all of you.
