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Charles Beach

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into this trap in the past. I have wanted revenge for what the dark side has done to mankind. Myself in particular. It was bad enough to see what was happening to my world. The wars, and rumors of more wars to come. It seems like the Bush administration want's to destroy the vast amount to our civilization for their own selfish greedy needs. World domination is the name of this game. When I perceive this as happening, is their any wonder I react in a hostile negative manner.

My "EGO" self is quick to react and demands justice for these misdeeds. Then my higher self comes back into the picture, showing me the error of my ways. God does not want revenge for his errant children, he want's them all to see the Light of Love and make the changes he knows they are capable of.

Those of us wanting and needing NESARA, must start treating our selves better and also treat others in a similar manner. We must cease and desist from expressing hatred for those we see as responsible for our woes. Remember dear friend, there are more than enough brothers and sisters out there who are incapable of forgiveness. Don't put your egotistically motivated reactions in the pot. Instead, send Love and godly support to all mankind. This includes Bush and company.

It is easy to see others as totally responsible for our problems and conditions. It takes effort to see the truth and respond accordingly. If NESARA is to ever be announced, we must stop blaming others for our problems and take responsibility for our own actions. Remembering, we all have played the games of the dark side and were just as bad as anyone else has ever been. Forgive yourself for all past transgressions. Then forgive those who are presently causing problems. Our upliftment into the new world depends on this.

I see myself as a humanitarian, someone who desires to see the upliftment of mankind obtained "NOW". If this means that I forgo personal satisfaction for the blessings of all, so be it. I can not, will not, allow NESARA itself to alter my belief systems. My soul demands total unselfishness in all my actions.

You are Loved and appreciated


P.S. I have heard from others who feel the same as I do. This is the reason I have put together this report. It is time for us to stop playing our games. Let's get serious about bringing forth the blessings mankind needs. Cleaning up our own act, is the most important first step.