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Casper Report, July 31, 2007

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the United States. They are GLOBALIST. They have bypassed U.S. laws and the constitution via "TREATIES" which become U.S. law upon passage by the senate and signing by the President. "THEY" are the government of the banks and big business. THEY are owned outright by the NWO. "THEY" knew what they were doing when they "hollowed out" the country via outsourcing. THEY knew what THEY were doing when THEY fixed it so that a typical highschool graduate can not name the three branches of government and the average citizen cannot name their senators. Our students lag the world in education. BUSH/CLINTON/BUSH CRIME SYNDICATE takes over the country and the world. Muslims say we would rather die than have you impose your "values" on us.

Corruption reigns. Democrats and Republicans equally guilty. "they" take orders. "they" are flunkies. "they" are whores. "THEY" have pushed the world to the brink of disaster. "THEY" have been given until 5 p.m. tomorrow OR ELSE. Paulson is over there. Probably on his knees.

The "grapevine" regards next week is true for others, not for "us". We are NOW, RIGHT NOW or else. Or else what? Humpty Dumpty/ Kings Horses, ETC. .

Yet, from your prospective and mine, another delay should be viewed as one more HOURLY put off. Realizing this i have checked out of the ha ha hilton and returned to my "receiving place".

The world is at war. It is good that the average citizen not be worried before now. Ignorance, however, will no longer be possible as the poo poo is in the fan.

The behind the scenes warfare, in the trenches, day by day, is complex, confusing and super secret for no discernable reason. A teaspoon of truth would have saved so many lives. There is a wealth of knowledge available in the last two (actually three) ICC Wanta updates. Although Wanta is not actually related to us like so many others programs, i have always worded it that the water faucet is on or it is off. When it is on everything will happen quickly. Going into the gory daily details would serve no useful purpose so i will skip over the crap. Well, perhaps i should mention that Brown left suddenly to return to England stiffing various appointments. Greenspan, George and others bonded out. Cheney came out of his hole, Chirac was arrested yesterday. The bad guys make a last stand and creator GOD ATON (see authorizes the SECRET SOCIETY to commence the killing of the ILLUMINATI for the sake of humanity. Did we tell you about the SECRET SOCIETY( shhh-don't ask, don't tell) arriving these shores ???? That was two weeks ago. Thanks GOD for confirming our info.. I would rather follow. Will you lead???

There is so much that could be discussed, should be discussed. But i just don't have the strength. Every person is responsible for their own education. Information leads to knowledge which leads to understanding which leads to wisdom. Now more than ever we are in desperate need of wisdom. It all begins with information--and discernment. Are you learning to improve your golf swing ? Or are you learning that our funding is a large part of something very very large indeed, and that the future of our country and the world hangs in the balance??

Our packs "moved" again late this afternoon. They have been "on a string" as you know. I seriously doubt they would have moved THIS time except for "or else". This and peripheral information points to delv tomorrow for the "trigger" packages. The rest may well be the 7th..

casper 7-31-07