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You Have Asked Why, So I Will Tell You

Ken Hunt

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elayed?". Why the hold up? Many wonder why Creator Source has delayed to command the first contact and so on. We all have read the papers, watched the television news. Is He/She blind? All of us are aware that N.E.S.A.R.A. will clear up the corruption, stop the wars, feed the children etc. We are all aware of the benefits of N.E.S.A.R.A., isn't HeShe? Some ask, "Is it us?" Are we holding fast to the light? What are we doing wrong? How long can I hold on?

While the lightworkers have been busily desiring an event called N.E.S.A.R.A., they haven't yet realized something. Most lightworker's overall plan is to bring N.E.S.A.R.A. to this dimension, initiate First Contact, witness the "Second Coming" and then go up to "aunt Betty", look her squarely in the eye and say, "Told you so!". We would then probably restrain ourselves from the overwhelming desire to add insult to injury by sticking out our tongue. lol And while I'm sure that this would bring a temporarily tremendous sense of satisfaction, what does it do for "aunt Betty" and the billions of fellow humans standing around disillusioned and in bewilderment.

Brothers and sisters, the ascension has already begun, we are proof of that. Day by day, we are growing in the spirit. We see manifestations of the power of creation. We are aware of the energies and feel the cosmos in our very being. But are we really putting on the hard hat of the Creator? Have we really developed the full attributes of a Creator mindset? Are each of us personally planning for anything else besides the actual event collectively know as N.E.S.A.R.A.?

Let's pretend that we are planning a trip to Florida. First, we start the long term planning. We start to save a little money here and there, to pay for the trip. As we start to accumulate, things come into focus a little better, so we prearrange time off from our jobs. Perhaps we are now at the stage where we plan our itinerary. We look at the brochures that highlight things we might like to see and participate in. We book hotels, rental cars and transportation. Oh, we are really starting to visualize it now! (Does anyone else but me see the parallels between this fictional trip to Florida and the coming of N.E.S.A.R.A ?)

A few days in advance, we are checking the weather forecasts. (Letting someone else program our creation?) We have already washed and folded the type of clothing we anticipate will be needed during our trip. Packing our clothes into a suitcase now, definitely brings the reality of the trip home. There is a real sense of anticipation. Our trip is really coming together.

The taxi has arrived to take us to the airport. It's finally the day of the trip. Our energy level is very high due to the excitement of it all. Our suitcases are heavy as we lug them to the trunk of the waiting taxi cab. We open the back door and sit down. The taxi driver flips the handle on the meter and whisks us away to the airport. Signs pass by us quickly as the cab zips back and forth around traffic snarls. The driver is an old hand at getting around the slow traffic and we are thankful that he so capable.

We arrive at the airport still filled with this great anticipation. The airport structure is modern in design and it's immense size impresses us with a sense of awe. This trip is getting better all the time. We feel the energy, the excitement. Yes, it's come together at last. You check your baggage and wait for the boarding call.

Yes, our dream vacation, that we've planned long and hard for, has finally arrived, finally come to fruition. But, suddenly it dawns on us. Something is terribly wrong! A look of shock is observed on our mouth as our whole face turns white. The realization of what we have done triggers our nervous system into overdrive. Adrenaline courses through our body all at once and we panic. We don't know what to do because it was such a horrific oversight that we are caught between horror, sorrow, guilt and shame. The tremendous sense of anguish overwhelms us. "How could we have been so blind?"

In all the hubbub, in all the excitement, in all the joy of the event, we have forgotten our children at home. In one cathartic moment we come to the realization that our children know nothing of our plans for them and are left behind, hungry scared and alone. While we were busy making the hotel reservations they were playing with crayons and building blocks. While we paid for the tickets to DizzyWorld they were busying themselves with dolls or cartoons on television. Yes it's true. Our final written plans for the trip neglected the children.

Brothers and sisters, it's time now to plan, not just for the event of N.E.S.A.R.A., but for the fallout from it. What fallout? N.E.S.A.R.A. is good you tell yourself. Yes, it's true N.E.S.A.R.A. is good for you because you planned for it. But what about the children (spiritual children)?

You see, while most of us realize the benefits of the event, we don't realize the devastation that will occur in the minds of the children. How many are going to be stunned emotionally as the world they knew is no more. Everything they learned and believed in is no more. Imagine how hopeless these little ones will be at the moment that they find they are completely without a compass, with absolutely no direction?

This is the mind of the Creator: Before bringing a vision into fruition, anticipate how it will affect others. All are children in need of guidance and love, whether they recognize it or not. Christ Michael doesn't need your help to bring in N.E.S.A.R.A.! The children of the world need your help when N.E.S.A.R.A. arrives.

With the newest Indigo movie release, some of us are focussing on the Indigo children. I wonder if we realize that they are better equipped for the N.E.S.A.R.A. fallout than most lightworkers. Although the movies are bringing the understanding of Indigo children to light, most people who see the movie are already aware of their own spirituality. Is the movie merely "preaching to the converted"? No, this is about preparation for the lightworkers. The Creator is showing us the advanced stage of the Indigos for a reason, to bring us to the advanced stages.

What about the masses, the non Indigo children? That's who the Indigo children are ready to help. The masses are not prepared to create a new world immediately after N.E.S.A.R.A.! Do we understand that, in order to teach them, we must start from the ABC's! In helping these little ones, we must put our mind into theirs (in understanding) and realize that they can't identify with the higher thoughts just yet. We must help them to build spiritually, step by step. Do we realize that the average person thinks indigo is nothing more than a shade of paint? It's time to think like the Creator and put yourself into the mind of the children. It's time that we start to focus on the big picture (all the people of the world) instead of just the event called N.E.S.A.R.A./FIRST CONTACT .

If you think about it, the children of the world are about to have a total brainwashing illusion shattered . As an example I ask you a simple question: What does the average American think of America? Like any other country's citizens: "America is the home of the free", "Capitalism is best", sure, most realize that there is some corruption in the government, but overall most believe: "it's a pretty good system". You and I are aware that Chinese citizens think the same thing about their country, Russians of theirs... etc.

Do we realize that most have made a god out of their firmly entrenched belief structure? But what happens when (like in Daniel's vision) that structure is smashed to the ground, the helpless person is left standing rudderless in a heap of rubble that was their god? Have you prepared to take them by the hand, teach and guide them as the Indigo children have? Or are you at the airport?

Blessings and Peace,

Love and Light,

