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Final NESARA Update

Gary McDaniel

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d ARE being assigned to peace keeping duties. First Contact IS underway and mass appearances of Galactic Federation star craft ARE being sighted worldwide. The 2nd Coming IS underway. The ascended masters and teachers ARE beginning their work.. Spontaneous physical healings ARE taking place among the populace of the world. Sickness, aging and death IS being overcome by millions. Earth Shan IS beginning her final ascension into the 5th dimension.

You don’t believe me? You haven’t seen it on the news you say? Oh, your wondering what I’ve been drinking. Well let me tell you. I have just returned from a week in the Appalachian Mountains of Tennessee. I was far away from all forms of news media. No TV, no radio, no newspapers and no internet, No news of any kind that originates in the 3D mind control matrix of the mass consciousness. Not that it wasn’t available to me, it was. I just did not partake of it. I did not get the above news mentioned in the first paragraph from the major media, minor media or any other earthly media source. It came directly from the Spirit of Creator SOURCE.

About two weeks ago I decided enough was enough for me. I decided to get to the bottom of what was going on concerning the true status of NESARA and the related 2nd Coming events. I was beginning to get deja vu feelings as channeled messages starting January 5th were proclaiming the GF was in the process of launching a massive light show of their presence in the skies over North America with rolling blackouts accompanying the light show. It was said that immense changes in Washington were taking place with the arrest of many administration officials. NESARA would be announced shortly.

Then a similar pattern began to emerge with GF messages saying that unforeseen complications had arisen and the process would take longer than originally expected. This was where I came in eight months ago. Stop this merry-go-round I want to get off!

So I jumped off the merry-go-round and decided to get away from ALL earthly and channeled news sources and go to the Source of All truth. I went to the Smoky Mountains to commune with Mother Earth and Father Creator in the awesome seclusion of primitive forests and woodlands. As I set beside the babbling brooks, and there are plenty of them in the Smokey’s, I ask my Spirit to give me an understanding of what in the world is going on with NESARA and all the other changes that are suppose to be happening momentarily, but never quite seem to materialize in my 3D reality.

The gist of my discussion with the Spirit was as follows.

I was told to relax, be still, and KNOW that I AM GOD. Know that ALL is in Divine Order. I told the Spirit I believed fervently that ALL is in Divine Order in heaven, but confusion seems to be reigning on earth. Spirit then asks me what’s new about confusion reigning on earth. I said I guess there is nothing new about it, but I am mentally tired of it. The Spirit then said for me to rise above the apparent mental tiredness for it is merely an illusion. I said that is easier said than done. The Spirit said by faith I could rise above any perceived illusion that my 3D physical reality presented to me. I said that is also easier said than done when one is in a physical reality and the illusion seems so real.

Well this discussion went back and forth for awhile till the Spirit said it was time for me to take a leap in faith and embrace the reality of my choosing AS IF I WAS ALREADY EXPERIENCING THAT REALITY. I told my Spirit I thought I had tried that before, and the reality of my choosing had not showed up as far as my perceived world reality was concerned. I told the Spirit that I was usually successful in changing my own personal world and obtaining the things that I would like to experience in my immediate surroundings. But when I have taken on the creative task of seeing all of humanity lifted up and changed by the removal of the hold of the dark matrix I have seen little positive results. War, pain, suffering, poverty, the elite in control of the world finances, etc remained the world reality that was presented to me by the earthly news available to me.

From this point on in the discussion the Spirit gave me what I believe is the key to manifesting the new heavens and new earth reality we have all been waiting on. The Spirit told me I was not experiencing the finished product because I was always waiting on it to show up in the news media as a verifiable fact. The Spirit said that would take a long time in linear time, and that was why I was experiencing delay after delay with positive earthly developments moving forward like they were stuck in molasses most of the time.

The Spirit said it would be most helpful for me to continue my sabbatical away from the news media and all negative energies that are opposing that which I am choosing to experience in my world reality. At least until my new reality shows up fully in my daily experience. I ask the Spirit how I would know my new reality was happening all over the earth if I didn’t have the news media to tell me what is going on. The Spirit said you will know it by MY SPIRIT, for I will tell you of the news.

So I ask the Spirit to sum up what would be the best path for me to take in order for me to personally experience the liberation of all of humanity. The Spirit said for me to openly declare that which I desire to experience in my reality, and BELIEVE THAT IT ALREADY IS AND THUS IT WILL BE. Next I should abstain from exposing myself to any news from any source that is telling me that my world reality does not yet exist. And finally I should FEEL THE JOY of the experience AS IF IT HAD ALREADY HAPPENED.

I told the Spirit that the last one was the hardest for me, feeling the joy of NESARA and related events before they actually show up. The Spirit said, Ask and you shall receive. I then ask the Spirit to fill me with the joy and the feelings that would accompany the Golden Age. Lo & behold this past week as I have begun to actually believe that the Golden Age is already here and refraining from exposing myself to anything that is contrary to that belief I AM feeling the joy, the happiness, and the peace of the blessed event. The Spirit has not yet informed me that the full reality is now here and all humanity has been liberated, but I FEEL IT and that is a wonderful feeling. Therefore I KNOW that NESARA and all the wonderful related events are here NOW for I AM declaring it to be so and SO IT IS.

Now you know why I opened this final update with the following, which I repeat again so that you can BELIEVE it with me, and FEEL it with me, and KNOW it with me, and thus we can all experience it together as our corporate reality for ALL of incarnated humanity NOW in this present moment.

Lightworkers the long wait IS over! NESARA IS being announced. The new rainbow currency IS in circulation. All monetary debt IS being forgiven. Prosperity funds ARE being delivered and received. A new administration and congress IS being seated in Washington. Peace IS being declared worldwide. All military forces ARE on the way home and ARE being assigned to peace keeping duties. First Contact IS underway and mass appearances of Galactic Federation star craft ARE being sighted worldwide. The 2nd Coming IS underway. The ascended masters and teachers ARE beginning their work.. Spontaneous physical healings ARE taking place among the populace of the world. Sickness, aging and death ARE being overcome by millions. Earth Shan IS beginning her final ascension into the 5th dimension.


Gary McDaniel
