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Casper Updates for August 1 and 2, 2007

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an the package and we end up with a brand spanking new analysis, or WAG if you prefer. (wild a__ guess). They are not telling me and they are not telling my sources what they are up to now. This delay could be for any number of reasons. Our guess is that overcoming the banking problems took more time than anticipated so why not trade the money in the interim? Funny money creation comes to an end with the new banking system so one more grab with both hands (last weekend) must be like potato chips, "bet ya can't eat just one" resulting in another trade tomorrow through Sunday night, money back in place and audited by noon Monday, first available banking day Tuesday, recieve something yet this week with expense money, bank name and number, etc., probably by certified or registered mail.

WOW! Just got a phone call referring me to an update on fourwinds this morning from Aton describing in detail the Paulson/ China meeting and it's outcome which explains his quick exit with his hair on fire. GO READ.

Pay close attention right now. Cornered snakes are dangerous.

casper 8-1-07


Have you seen the recent Pelosi/Reid definition (proposed legislation) of "draining the swamp" in D.C.?? They propose that all "earmarks" and it's sponsor be shielded from public view so no one can see them giving your billions to each others pet projects and monuments to each other.

Secret dealing among themselves shielded from public view involving billions annually. No longer satisfied playing Santa Clause instead of Senator, now they will be Secret Santa. SICK SICK SICK.

In 2000 there were 16,000 lobbyist on K street, today there are 40,000 fighting for their turn to bribe somebody. This is not a government. This is a whorehouse.

They are "passing out" 400++billion ANNUALLY of our money to their friends, even their own family members. This is the example being set for the country by our "leaders". Is it any wonder we are headed straight for the toilet?? Citizen, their 14% approval rating is outrageous and we should be ashamed of ourselves.

Thanks Democrats for cleaning up those corrupt Republicans.

Certified mail by Friday with Amex card in it or back to the big dump scenario. Supposedly documentation delivered to White House saying exactly that plus "this time we really mean it".

Card balance much higher than rumored but can't mention here. Into banks next Tuesday. German banks coming in. Either it is already in the "system" and irretrievable and receipt is guaranteed, or we have swallowed the latest pile of crap hook, line and sinker.

Of course we believe the former as the consequences of the latter are to frightful to contemplate.

If your wife, brother, father or next door neighbor has access to the postal computers ask whether huge numbers of cert. mail is coming through the system and send your answer to one of the messengers for posting.

casper 8-02-07