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Poof Report for Sept. 16, 2007

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everyone else accepts your ideas while you refuse to accept any of theirs'. It makes me beg an answer to the question, exactly who is your god, son?

When my guy, over here, called with his hair on fire talking about what these yahoos were trying to pull off this past week, I knew it was only half of the information, as there was no mention as to what was being done about it. So as usual, I started checking my international resources. I think the most interesting part about that was, it barely produced a ripple in the world. The green light remained on and motion continued. Now let me take you back to spring, 2003.

This program was scheduled for delivery and was about to happen. This side ran to brussels and begged for it to be held off due the iraq issue, with a promise made to begin payments to europe on some past debts starting in sept of that year. That money, of course, was going to come off the profits of iraqi oil. As usual, that didn't happen. Seems they have a fascination for using sept as some sort of 'break point' on things. Now while we were waiting, the imf had it's attorneys under gag, in paris, working on readying those programs for distribution, which also included FC. They were finished with their work at the end of aug and began to return home. In sept, they were meeting in an LA hotel preparing to distribute FC. On a sat afternoon, the fed walked in and stopped it. Saying they wanted the attorneys to go back to paris and renegotiate. The bulk of them refused saying it was nothing but a ploy as the fed had no intention of paying it...nevermind the illegality of doing that. The others that did, were given throw away cell phones, to be used to keep their locations a secret. It was nov of that year, when brussels called all the bankers together to tell them the dollar was cut out of the equation and other central bank's currencies were being employed to back the euro for the distribution of this program. The imf funds would not be released until this program was dispensed with. The new global banking system would be engaged with the release of the imf programs. As you probably know, the imf funds were earmarked to go to the poor nations of the world, for all kinds of humanitarian projects, along with debt forgiveness. Great idea, right? I'm not saying fc will not be paid, just that it was put off, before I get a whole bunch of emails asking me about it.

Since then, this administration has spent itself into oblivion by borrowing from every central bank that would loan them money. Now not even the use of the dollar for the distribution of the imf funds, which are in dollars, would satisfy their avarice and greed for world domination. They basically wanted their cake and eat it, too. Still do! In a slight backtrack, I'll also say, when out program was given a 'stand down', certain people were given the job off unthawing frozen funds from the late teens and early 20's when the present treasury was put online and the constitutional one was depowered, in conjunction with the 'new federal reserve bank'. An oxymoron, if ever heard one. The interesting part about this is who was able or had the power to sign the documents to thaw those funds. It wasn't anybody in this country or even a citizen of this country. This money however, was added to the vast hoards of cash to be distributed thru the imf and this program...the fuel for what everyone is waiting for, the big changeover. The going back to what our forefathers intended for this foreign control of our money system. BTW, the total count of what was thawed makes the 'wanta money' look like pin money for the mall. Just one account, held by a chinese man was worth over 9 trillion using today's measure of accounting.

This administration's main problem is, documents have already been signed, agreements already made in 2000. These boys think they can renege, just on GP, a practice that's been normal for years. Not this go around! Not this time. The world wants it's money and no excuse will work. They are already exercising their power to turn off the lights on the fed and the present treasury. This is not pretty folks but again, it never had to be this way, either. As another texan said repeatedly, 'stupid is as stupid does'. What part of 'you're broke' don't you get? I personally wouldn't be telling anyone, I had an mba, after constantly coming up bankrupt from my businesses. The world is not west tx and they demand a return on their investments, which daddy can no longer handle for you, no invester in their right mind would keep throwing money into a losing investment. 'Gotta know when to fold 'em'. They keep telling everyone this economy is booming...yea foreign banks are coming in here buying stuff for 10cts on the dollar. I know a lot of people didn't even notice when a spanish bank bought compass bank and all their assets, back in the spring. Some folks are keeping their heads so buried they don't even believe the euro is sitting at 1.38 against the dollar, gold over the $700 ceiling they fought off for so long. Oil is around 80 bucks a barrel and what american is paying any attention?

You know, I'm not standing on any dates, I watch events. When the events transpire, that's when all this other stuff happens. I know this, the new banking year kicks in Oct 1 and the world gov wants certain things done as it begins. More important than that is, China wants it's goods and chattels and is using it's considerable tail to squeeze. That's the problem, you create globalism, you have to deal with the globe. "Be careful what you wish for, you may get it" is an old chinese saying.

While the bulk of the rest of us haven't received our packies yet, this is the only game in town to be finished. As the europeans said, don't think we be sitting over here on our hands. We know where you are And what you've been doing. Many who think there may be a problem locating them, may find themselves very surprised, when the deliver directly to where they are right now. This program finishes delivery, the imf funds released directly after, the new banking system goes online. Keep you powder dry and be ready to launch up out of here immediately thereafter, no telling how junior's going to react when wall st starts disintegrating. Alway err on the side of caution, never on wishes and hopes. Call the nice people when you get your packy and ask them for any additional personal information, you may need to handle the needs of your friends...power of attorneys and the like.

It's being finished right now, folks, please understand that. Not for an instant believe we're going to hell in a hand basket, tho it's so easy to believe that, when you look out into this world and see this massive crunch coming. I've told you it wasn't going to be pretty since the ezboard days, regardless of the stories of us dancing in the streets with garland in our hair and the admin going away. These folks ain't going anywhere without a fight, money delivered or no. They haven't exercised common sense up to this point, what makes you think, all the sudden they are going to get 'religion' now? God demands we use our freewill to make use of the what was given every last one of us, stop looking to be saved from our own insanities.

Again, I expect they'll finish this stuff up right now. The world condition demands it. I know very well, europe isn't even trying to spin into the chaos created by insane financial practices, especially when they created the bumper mechanisms to at least assauge the situation.

I'll reach everyone who's asked that I reach them for a consultation. If you find that your questions being emailed are going unanswered, it's because there's alot of folks wanting to dot every i, and cross every t, before the packy comes to them. After all this time, no one wants to lose a quarter to an error in thought processes. The old grey mare ain't what she used to be, so don't try any fancy tricks with this gov, they'll nail you and you won't like it. This is the best tax haven for everyone else in the world but not for us citizens and you better write that down somewhere if you can't remember. Consultations are available by emailing this address. Donations are needed and accepted at account Good luck and a pleasant voyage this week.

Love and Kisses,
