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NESARA - An Event or A Process?

Gary McDaniel

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injured. Mother Earth hurts and erupts.

With Nesara, First Contact, etc., we can finally reverse this cycle. Yet, we see nothing.

Where is it?

What of all the promises, by The Masters, that have gone unfulfilled?

How much more destruction must take place before they do what only they can do?

Mother Earth and her people cry out for help. Some days it is a struggle for so many to carry on.

If you have any recent insights about all of this, it would be appreciated if you could share them.

Thanks Gary.

In Light and Love and Joy


Dear Gary,


As I sit here in prayer, on this Memorial Day, my mind wonders....

Is it our fault that there have been no significant changes in 3D? no arrests, ending of The Federal Reserve, no announcement, no deliveries, etc.

Rather than world peace, the war machine rages on. To think that by now we see no significant changes, despite all the many promises for so long.......this is hard. Hanging on is hard for so many of us.

Could it be our fault? Why else would our Star Friends not have stepped in more fully. as we have asked for?

Where do you think things really are now, Gary?

Thanks for whatever you can share.



When I first became aware of NESARA and related events the information I read seemed to indicate that there would be a series of clearly defined events that would take place on specific days. I was sure I would awake one day and find my world radically changed for the better. An event of mass resignations or arrests of corrupt government officials would take place literally overnight. Sweeping changes in our monetary system would take place in the blink of an eye, an event which would release millions from credit card debt and bring immediate financial relief to the masses. A stupendous event was promised to take place as a mass flyover of star ships that would fill the skies giving us irrefutable 3D evidence that First Contact had begun. Another huge event would be the sudden appearing of returned Spiritual Teachers to their respective religious followers.

I want to make it clear at this time that I remain open to these events taking place suddenly and with an immediate positive effect for all of us. After all we have received this viewpoint from a variety of channeled sources for years. For the past year I, as many of you, have followed all the posted messages which said the changes were imminent. I disciplined myself to remain in the NOW of these events looking at them as already having happened in my creative imagination.

Still the questions posed to me in the above emails are valid observations. Tens of thousands of precious souls are transiting out of their physical shells by the most horrible means one can imagine every day. They leave shattered lives behind in their remaining family members.

During times of meditation the past month I have asked my Spirit if the Golden Age is coming about as a series of small events that in actuality are part of an unfolding process. I decided to look up the two words in a dictionary.

I found the meaning of the word “event” to be, “Something that takes place; an occurrence; a significant occurrence or happening.”

One of the meanings of a “process” is, “A series of actions, changes, or functions bringing about a result: the process of time; events now in process.

I felt the Spirit was telling me that each day little events were taking place in the united States and around the world that were slowly but surely bringing about the positive changes the Lightworkers were envisioning

The darkness has been entrenched in our world for tens of thousands of years. The overthrow of the darkness began in earnest 2000 years ago with the incarnation of the Christ Light personified in Jesus of Nazareth. The past 100 years has seen a tremendous increase in the Christ Light being poured out on humanity in select areas of the world. In the last 25years a blinding Christ Light has arisen upon a people that inspired them to take action in working together to bring about the Golden Age. In the last 10 years, as a result of the Lightworkers actions, the darkness began to collapse upon itself in an irreversible manner.

When one considers how fast things have happened in the last 10 years compared to the last 2000 years, events are certainly unfolding very rapidly. I believe it is helpful to look at unfolding EVENTS leading to the Golden Age as a PROCESS that has been going on for a long time.

Since January of this year I have been taking one day at a time as far as living my earthly life goes. I have remained in the Eternal NOW to the best of my ability. When I read messages from the Masters and from the Galactic Federation given though a variety of channeled sources I try to remain un-emotionally evolved with the information given. If the message is conveying something that agrees with my vision of the unfolding Golden Age I add my LIGHT (creative GOD energy) to it and TRUST THE PROCESS to bring it about in due time.

So is NESARA an event or a process? In reality NESARA and related components are EVENTS NOW IN PROCESS!! It is a series of small events taking place every day in a process that will ultimately end in the manifestation of the GOLDEN AGE.

Many Lightworkers around the world are getting the revelation that things are going to happen when they happen. We can assist the PROCESS and at times speed it up by our individual Lightwork.

Again I believe it is sage advice to stay centered and do not allow your mind to put to much emphasis on any one message that comes from a channeled source as being the Gospel Truth. As we have found out over and over the Beings in other dimensions from ours have a very difficult time in judging how things are going to unfold in our timeframe. They have been wrong most of the time when they set a certain timeframe for certain things to happen.

Bottom line is to keep on keeping on. You know and I know it is going to happen. Nothing can stop it from happening, but we must continue to exercise patience while we live WITHIN our daily lives. I FEEL blessed to the uttermost to be among those whose eyes have been opened to the GLORY that is being revealed in us. I can’t imagine a more glorious time to be upon Mother Earth than the present time. Continue to count your blessings one by one as given in the following poem:

Count your blessings:

Count your blessings one by one

when dawn appears and day has just begun.

They will light your heart with happiness,

make each hour bright and bring you gladness

Count your blessings one by one,

when twilight falls and toil of day is done.

And in sweet dreams they'll come again to you,

if you will count your blessings each day through

Count your blessings while you may

for we are here but little time to stay.

All around are hearts sincere and true,

lovely things abound just waiting for you.

Count your blessings while you may;

the big or small, whichever comes your way.

For then you'll find this world a place of love,

if you will count your blessings from above.

May manifold blessings of Light, Love, Peace, Joy, Happiness, Abundance and Wisdom be yours in this auspicious moment of NOW!

Gary McDaniel

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