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Amazing Discovery!!!!

By Charles Beach

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ead of me was overwhelming. Yesterday, I had started making plans for a new project I knew would have unbelievably, great implications not only for me, but for the multitudes of others I knew. This was indeed the beginning of something I only dreamed of as possibly happening in my life time. All of a sudden, the reality of these dreams were manifesting themselves. I was no longer hoping and praying for results, they were beginning to happen.

Was this just a delusion I had formulated, because I had given my dreams and expectations so much power, or was this for real? Could I ever be really sure? All I knew was, I was happier than I have been in years. I finally found something to hang my hat on. Something to believe in completely. For the first time in my life I KNEW without any doubts, I was headed in the right direction. I finally had a GOAL.

This message is specifically designed to help others, (YOU in particular) to create within yourself similar feelings. If I can do this, anyone can. Once we have given ourselves over to Source God, and follow the directions only he/she can provide, we are guaranteed success. It has been more recently my friend, that I have been able to do this on a constant day in day out basis. The peace of mind, the happiness, Joy and all other positive feelings are really starting to flow. Life is good and in truth is getting better.

One close friend I have always admired because of his attitude told me, I get up in the morning and the first thing I do is to decide what my day is going to be like. Am I going to be happy and maintain balance, or will I allow others this day to dictate my attitudes. He always chooses the positive. I have never known anyone with the ability he possesses to keep positive at all times. He is always upbeat, and is such a pleasure to be around. For the first time in my life, I can better appreciate his methods and I have made his positive belief systems my own.

"NESARA" Has Already Happened!

Speaking about NESARA, like so many others I have wondered in the more recent past, if this was for real or just a figment of my imagination. I never lost the FAITH or BELIEF that it was the way for mankind to become free from the bondage and limitation the dark side has thrust upon us all. I knew, my objective mind cried out constantly, for the help NESARA offered.

It is real, and it is already happening. Example, funding on a limited scale has already started in other countries. If you follow the news you have seen bits and pieces of the truth are being shared with the people. Did not the masters say so often, that the administration must be disbanded when NESARA was announced. It could all happen even before the actual announcement. All I am trying to say is, everything is in divine order. The Masters, our ET brethren, more importantly “GOD” has ordained the complete transformation of mankind. The Kingdom of Heaven is being established here on Planet Earth "NOW", not in the future but right "NOW."

I have opened my deepest inner beliefs to you. This is the kind of sharing that turns me on. This is also what needs to be done by everyone of like mind. WeTruth students, Light workers, need to be open and above board with each other. You and I have the blessed responsibility to establish a lasting bond. Remember, we as a group have unlimited power for bringing about the changes needed in our world.

I would hope, that my request for sharing is met with some real interest. If you are so inclined, put together a bio on yourself (information about yourself and your belief systems.) Please send me a copy. I'd also recommend sending this out to anyone you feel would benefit.

I get so much mail, I monitor what comes through by what is in the SUBJECT line. State: I WANT TO SHARE on this line. This way you are assured that your mail will receive priority concern.

You are Loved and Appreciated

