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Poof Report for August 4, 2007

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Dotson project separate from these others, OR will it happen with the other? From "D"

Response from "Poofness":

The protocol I was given was that, when all these monies have been distributed, pretty much immediately thereafter, the new global banking system will be engaged. I have no idea how they are going to handle the public, tho I've heard a lot of 'ideas'. The fed's been essentially dead since 2000 but I don't know when it's going to be 'official'. Everything else is arriving at more or less the same time. Input amounts have a lot to do with when people are receiving. Already a bunch of folks who dropped big buckets into these programs are being served. I'm watching for them to get

under the 100k input range as that's when more of you will start hearing about drops. p >