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Poof Report: Sept. 23, 2007

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live in the sunshine

We'll understand it all by and by

When death has come and taken our loved ones

Leaving our homes so lonely and drear

Then do we wonder how others prosper

Living so wicked year after year

Farther along we'll know more about it

Farther along we'll understand why

Cheer up my brother live in the sunshine

We'll understand it all by and by

Greetings and Salutations;

What is a friend, really? A friend is someone who'll always tell you the truth, whether you like it or not, whether your feelings get hurt or not. Friends don't let friends drive drunk, it's true. But you know what, you'll only be able to count on one hand how many true friends you'll have in a lifetime. They are always there when you need them. It is hopeful that in a relationship, a marriage developes into a friendship, not just 'cause ya hafta, the kids, or some other excuse. Trust then, can develope out of true friendship, someone you can trust with your very life. It is with that in mind, I have presented, myself. This why I don't do rumors or give you fabulous tales created in the fantasies of my mind, or because someone told me something that may or may not be true. I've never had a problem saying, 'I don't know'.

I work with a network of 'friends'. Friends who've known each other for years and would find no benefit blowing smoke or would even think of it. Thus my newsletters tend to be boring to those who need the more fantastic. I have told you many things and you are seeing the results of them right now, tho it took longer than would seem reasonable, at least to me, for them to become visible. Yet, such is the nature of the forces at work.

There have been economic forces at work, changes behind the curtain, that are only now beginning to make themselves apparent, as the oneside has lost the ability to keep manufacturing the smoke and mirrors. While the us market was enjoying christmas in sept, as they called it, when whirly bob cut the rates, the dollar plummeted and gold and oil surged! The world was unimpressed, our debt holders unsatisfied. Why the big jumping for joy? The got a big draught of that electric kool aid, they are so fond of drinking. They can forget everything for a moment, under it's influence, and lose sight of the ground upon which feet must be kept.

Now, I have explained that there is an order to everything out here and I even laid them out for you. Somehow, everytime the ghost drops a message on you, your eyes glaze over and you automatically forget. I told you to stop with the dates already and watch events, if the events haven't happened, the dates won't work either. Whomever it was lost buckets on the market crashing by the 21st. Why isn't anyone factoring in the imf funds in their updates, except for me? It's simple, they don't know about them or see their importance BEFORE the new banking system comes online in the states, yet that's a big part of the order and procession of things out here. It's old 20th century business that must be cleared off the books before, 21st century business can be engaged. This is what junior was dragging his feet on, not these programs. It's simple physics. If you block an important passage way and you open the dam wide open, you're asking for another problem, quick, fast, and in a hurry. He is learning something every president should know, you better do what you are told to do, and don't think for a second, it's a suggestion, or you have a real choice in the matter. They will all get a visitation from someone the secret service will stand down to, when they cross a line. This world is going to have a new global banking system, whether he 'decided' or not. This is really no more than a flip to what happened in 1913. We just happen to be a component of it.

I can tell you the bankers in this country were waaay too busy in jackson hole getting ready for the new banking system for the last couple of weeks to be trying to put anything past their betters in europe. Credit Suisse, after what was done to those swiss bankers a couple years ago, isn't EVEN trying to play with Brussels. They never want to see interpol in one of their banks again. Notice, I said nothing about the world court, they got their fannies handed to them too, for playing footsies with the likes of carlyle group and old man bush. Looks like carlylse group is about to go the way of the dodo bird too, Dubai is eating them. If you think for a second interpol's power is a figment of the imagination, check out that China is using them for security for the up coming games. They'll be watching who'll be entering their country. See, the world really is changing, whether you're paying attention or not.

First a lender heard the 'rumor' of deliveries in cali on weds. Then I got a call the very next morning from my european connections, who informed me there was more than cali that got deliveries. Now I assure you, if you had a bunch of computers sitting in front of you, that receive information immediately when deliveries are done, you'd know who, where, and when, a packie was dropped, as well as, the amount of that person's account. It's that friends thing again. They were not vouchers. I know who got the vouchers, also why they aren't allowed to cash in until they are finished with us. They are being held in check because of past misbehavior. The trustees themselves because the job not being finished yet. BoA already had the italians kick their booties over the parmalat stuff, they don't want to test european resolve either. It ain't america over there in the banking industry, as 4 boa execs would tell you, if they could, who got snatched right up out of charlotte for their misdeeds. I also tell you, if you have an international charter, you don't want any problems anywhere on the planet, especially right now, as the banking world is about to get flipped on it's head. Just because you can't find rocky's name in citigroup, has no bearing on his control and he's not about to have any interruptions in his global empire either. The mans's old but he's not senile. Ask the Japanese.

Now that the us bankers are ready for the big shift, stand by for the drop from hell. You know, my famous 'dump'. I have been assured, they have accumulated the necessary resources to do this, and it's going to happen really really fast, so few of you have the opportunity to spread it across the web. This is not and I repeat NOT, the arrival of paradise on earth. It is the arrival of your ability to help change things, as you see them. There's almost a baptist mentality out here, that is really holding this idea of all the sudden the skies will part and all the bad guys will be gotten out of the way. Use your common sense, put your feet squarely on the ground and recognize our work is just beginning. Let's do all we can to help out the infirm lenders who can't make the journey and use legal methods to secure their funds so at least they can enjoy the latter days of their lives...never know, perhaps the lift will help them live longer. This has been no joke, just getting here, and it's taken a toll on everyone.

Love and Kisses,


[NOTE:  Portions of this communication were left off because we felt they were unacceptable for publication.  It was Poof's vendetta against Casper, "unknown" and Bellringer. PHB]