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Thank You To The "NESARA People"

Guy Carter

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erity funding, and all other legal details. Do you look out your window at night, over the multitude of house lights, and wonder what the people would think if they knew what you were striving for? Do you yearn for recognition, for some sort of feedback, some sort of sign that what you are doing is somehow accepted by the people?

I hereby declare my empathy for your cause, your struggle. I am sure I am not alone when I say that I would willingly take up the burden that is upon your shoulders. I would willingly face the withering attacks and criticism in your place. How I yearn to take a more active role in bringing NESARA and First Contact to fruition, yet I know that each of us is in the right place doing what needs to be done.

When the time comes and the announcements are made I will ask you to find nurturing, to let go, to relax. Many of us are champing at the bit to step forward and begin our very public roles as guides to the masses. And dare I say it, close on our heels will come the Gifted Children to inspire and uplift the people of Earth.

Know, NESARA judges, lawyers, bankers and others that you are not alone. For all you have done and have yet do, I humbly speak for the Earth and the people upon her and say thank you.