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It's Time To Wake Up

By Jim Klaproth

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been “out of the loop” and to lessen the shock of what is soon to occur on planet Earth. Very shortly now, and no one knows for sure the exact timing, there will be a series of announcements that will stun the entire world.

The legal justification for these major changes are contained in a secret law called the National Economic Security and Reformation Act (NESARA) which passed both houses of Congress in the year 2000. The Supreme Court placed a gag order on all members of Congress, with very strict penalties for anyone who talked about any of its provisions. This was necessary in order to maintain economic stability in the world economy, until all of the NESARA provisions could be put into effect.

These announcements will be carried live on all major television and radio stations. They are expected to last about 4 hours in length. We would suggest that you have your VCRs readied with sufficient tapes to cover these historic announcements. Here are brief explanations of what the initial announcement will contain.

First of all, the initial announcement will lead off with the shocking resignations of President Bush, Vice President Cheney, and the entire Whitehouse staff. We will then see a newly appointed President and Vice President installed by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. These officials will serve an interim term until new Constitutional elections can be held in a few months.

President Bush and Vice President Cheney will explain to the American public and to the whole world why they are being removed from office. They will admit publicly that they were complicit in certain criminal events that took place on September 11, 2001. They will also admit that they were never lawfully elected and that they basically pulled off a coup in the United States. They will eventually be tried for their crimes and punished accordingly.

Next, we will witness on public television the resignations of all members of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives. This action is necessary in order to “clean house” and start over with freshly elected Senate and House members. They will be replaced with interim appointees in order to continue the business of government until elections can be held in a few months.

After the shock of these two startling announcements wears off, we shall have the Chairman of the Federal Reserve explain to the American public and to the world that the Federal Reserve is being abolished and is being absorbed into the United States Treasury. The U.S. Treasury will issue new legal currency, which is backed with precious metals. The banks will remain closed for a few days while the banks convert over to the new currency. All ATMs will remain fully functional during this period so that people can obtain cash for transactions. When the banks re-open, we will trade in our Federal Reserve Notes which are currently backed by nothing, for the new U.S. Treasury Notes, which are backed with gold and silver, as the U.S. Constitution stipulates.

Along with this announcement, comes the wonderful news that the Federal income tax is immediately abolished, to be replaced with a national sales tax on all non-essential goods and services. The role of the IRS will change from collecting income taxes to collecting sales taxes. No longer will we be tax slaves to our government.

We shall then have several other important announcements, including:

A formal declaration of peace will be made by the newly designated President and all of our troops in foreign nations will be recalled immediately.

Formal debt forgiveness of all credit card debt, car loans, large amounts of mortgage debt, and other provisions that have notyet been disclosed.

New banking regulations will take effect soon after the formal NESARA announcement and Fed Chairman, Alan Greenspan has already prepared 30 hours of video tape to explain the new regulations in detail.

These changes are expected to stimulate the economy greatly by increasing the amount of net-spendable income enjoyed by the elimination of income taxes and credit card debt.

Along with these important changes, will be yet other changes that will directly and indirectly impact the world economy. One of these is the release of large sums of gift money to hundreds of thousands of people in “prosperity programs” throughout the world. These recipients will in turn gift hundreds and thousands of people each, who will gift others, and so forth. The net effect will be eventual worldwide prosperity for every man, woman, and child on this planet. Chances are extremely good that you will benefit very soon with some of this gift money. Start thinking about how you could positively affect those around you and make life a little better in your world.

New technologies, including “free energy” devices, which have been suppressed for years by those who wished to remain in power, will freely be allowed to replace our current electric generating systems, our internal combustion engines, and other pollution causing technologies. Our fragile ecosystems will be cleaned up and corporations will be mandated to end any further polluting of the environment. In fact, all corporations will need to be re-chartered in order to continue doing business. They must all comply with Constitutional law as well as the new laws under NESARA.

Perhaps even more shocking, we shall also finally learn the truth about other intelligent life in the universe, which our current government leaders have been lying about and covering up for decades. These revelations will be made after the NESARA announcements, and the world will be treated to speeches made by representatives of other star systems on public television. You will also discover that “alien” life forms have been secretly interacting with the major governments for decades.

There will also be major shifts in our belief systems about religion, and we will discover that many major faiths, while doing some good in the world, exist mainly to control the population into docile submission. Similarly, our educational institutions will undergo major improvements to educate the population about our true history and origins.

The information in this letter is just the tip of the iceberg. There is much already written about NESARA and you can research it yourself by going to . There are whole sections on this websites about the history of NESARA, the provisions of NESARA, and even a daily update from one called “Dove”.

You may get information about other intelligent life in the universe by going to the website: . This is a private sector project headed by Dr. Steven Greer, who now has hundreds of credible witnesses in government who are willing to violate their oaths of secrecy and testify that UFOs are real and that intelligent life indeed exists outside our planet.

You may dismiss this information if you wish, but it doesn’t change the veracity of any of it. There are now millions of people worldwide who know about NESARA. There are currently hundreds of confirmations about NESARA coming in from bankers, stock brokers, insurance agents, and government workers who know about some of these provisions. There are also entire websites devoted to exposing the crimes committed by our own leaders regarding 9-11.

You are about to witness some truly amazing things in the coming weeks and months ahead. There is absolutely nothing to fear about any of these changes that have been outlined. We have every reason to welcome these wonderful provisions of NESARA and the freedom and sovereignty it brings to every man, woman, and child.

For further information, visit

It is time to wake up, take back your own power, and take responsibility for yourself, your family, your community, your nation, and your world. You owe it to yourself to investigate the information in this letter. If you are convinced that NESARA is indeed real, please join us in spreading the word about this wonderful news!


Jim Klaproth
