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People Waiting For NESARA

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y similar to many others-heavy debt from a failed business and the events of 911 are somewhat to blame. I take responsibility for the rest of my failures. I have no medical insurance for my family-it just costs too much and would mean not enough food or we could loose our house in order to have that insurace. I take responsibility for this and keep going. The trade I have been working at for twenty seven years has seen a radical decline in revenue as of late. Life goes on-as shall I.

I am not asking anyone for anything most of all sadness at my very common situation. I need to have us all see that we came here to this place and were among the very best of the best to have the chance to be here for this moment in linear time we call now. The world we now see is but for the briefest of times still in darkness. We are partly to blame for this darkness and it's seemingly overwhelming power. We gave up our freedom very slowly along with the responsibility of self-rule long ago in order to have free time and energy to enjoy life more-so we thought. Soon we will have all this responsibility come rushing back to us full force and all at once. Are we really all ready for this awsome responsiblilty? Easy to say we are huh?

We have an entire society and all it's structure to completely rebuild so to insure we don't make the same mistakes again. Letting the status quo coast to it's doom is what got us this far. We have to take full responsibility and move on. I will stand beside any of you-all of you in this work of becomming Professional Humans. Don't wait for NESARA! Become what you feel you are becomming inside now-today! This is the rest of your life here in your hands-not out there some place in the future! Write to the elected officals-no matter if you voted for them or not-or even if you think they cheated the vote or not. The energy of this act is more than just paper! You are more than just another opinionated voter-you have more power in your thoughts than you realize! The darker rulers can't even look directly into your eyes-much less face you as a united mass. They have used racial hatred and differing religons to keep you apart. This can stop you from seeing who benefits from their wars-certainly not you! Blowing people up doesn't set them free! Who had to pay for all those weapons? We all did. It sounds like time to take full responsibility for our actions and move forward.

I hope nobody has violence in mind! Senseless waste of life and time-accomplishing nothing for any good cause ever known regardless of intentions. Reacting with minds and well-thought detirmination is the only way. Bring your friends together and talk it out. Mention to even the most causual of friends how things are "sure getting strange" and see how they think and "would you like to participate in a forum?" Getting people together is the only way anything good ever got done. Lightworkers all are trying to do this aren't we? Don't we want life to win this one? Tired of being tired? Tired of waiting? Be the sort of person you have always admired! The energy of great change starts out slowly and with little momentum at first-you can beguin inside and work your way out. Why wait? Ask for help.....I have and now am not going to be just sitting anymore. The act of starting something positive that is meant for the good of all is more powerful than anything known. The founding fathers of this great nation were people like us. They were tired of waiting too. They started by getting together and ideas flowed into greatness. We failed to maintain those ideas and update them for our times. Now is the chance to be those founders of the times to come and all the generations of people yet unborn. The darkness is just showing us all which way to NOT go is all. We must choose another direction for ourselves and do the needed work. Lighting up the world and chasing shadows is a good place to start. I look forward to working with such a great group of folks. Thank you for comming!

