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NESARA UPDATE From Casper the Friendly Ghost - Even Ghosts Know Grief

Casper the Friendly Ghost

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eetings, the World Court, the Queen, Merkle, the World Court, the Supreme Court, banks-foreign and domestic, Merkle again, China, World Court, Supreme Court again and again, then the investors (Superman), on and on, 'round and 'round it went. One guardian, one knight, one champion of the people stayed the course rallying others as she went, representing US, the LENDERS in all places, at all times, in all circumstances against all manner of opposition. Whether addressing the Supreme Court in front of a hundred other attorneys or dressing down world leaders blocking our funding, she spoke truth to power sometimes screaming truth to power when she encountered lies and deceit. With the stamina and zeal of a teenager, this 80+ year old warrior pulled all-nighters with world leaders more times than we can count. Always all out, bare knuckles, no quarter.

Our knight, our lady in shinning armor, our champion, “Bull-dog lady” is dead.

She died last night under mysterious circumstances. She lived with continuous threats each more progressively serious. Investigations are underway. A suspect is in custody.

Today the family has received more than 350 calls from world leaders including the Queen and Merkle, World Court, judges, China, G-8 nations, various dignitaries and all the big name investors you know and many you don't. This great lady could reach most anyone in the world at any hour. No one refused her calls, not even the President. If she wanted the Queen she called her bedside telephone. At times many of these "leaders" lied to or misled her. She never hesitated to call them liars and to hang up on them. Today all are falling all over themselves with praise and apologies. Emissaries are en-route from many countries, some have already arrived. The funeral will not be open to the public.

The grief in “ghost land” is overwhelming. All who knew her, except the Bushes and Clintons are grieving, wailing even. We will never have another like this one. If we have more trouble who will we call? If we don't have more trouble joy is tempered with grief.

The current news is the investors have refused the attempts to bribe them and will follow us. Comments from world leaders today indicate their cooperation with deliveries this week.

Kryptonite apparently makes wet puppies of supermen. Even so, current news says this week.


NOTE: The Viper, a woman attorney and one of the five leading attorneys in our world today, died a martyr last night by order of G.W. Bush. We do not know her real name. This Lightworker was only known as "The Viper". Her demise in her life-long battle for the rights of the people was done to scare Superman and Company into submission to the Bush/Clinton One World Order wishes. Their "wishes" were for these 200 Prosperity Program Primary Investors to take double payment of their funds ahead of the people, so the people would receive nothing. This they refused to do. NESARA is now moving swiftly to closure. PHB