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NESARA Update- The Long Wait Is About Over!

By Gary McDaniel

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an effort by the Bush administration to extend the Patriot Act beyond December 31st when most parts of it are due to expire. My heart leapt with joy at the news! This is tangible evidence that the tide continues to turn against the darks efforts to keep the human race subservient to its New World Order agenda. A major factor that embolden the majority of Senators to stand against the pressure of this administration to extend the Patriot Act or ELSE is this:

Yesterdays New York Times in an explosive discloser said that President Bush had quietly signed a secret executive order in October 2001 permitting the ultra-secretive NSA (National Security Agency) to monitor domestic communications. The NYT had held off publishing this story for over a year at the request of the White House saying it would jeopardize national security if the story was revealed to the public. Do you think it was a coincidence that the NYT just happened to publish this story on the day that the Senate is voting on extending the Patriot Act? I don’t think so! The Illuminati is losing their ability to exercise total control over the major media, unable to squash stories they do not want revealed. Senator Arlen Specter, of all people, is calling for a full investigation after the first of the year. He said, "There is no doubt that this is inappropriate; it's inexcusable to have spying on people in the United States without court surveillance in violation of our law - beyond any question."

This is a clear sign that even the majority Republican’s know the jig is up. They would not be making these sudden turnarounds of standing up against the Bush administration if the handwriting was not on the wall. They are starting to scramble to save their

un-savable butts! It would be humorous to watch if this wasn’t such a serious business. This administration and the Illuminati hierarchy behind them are responsible for tens of thousands of deaths since they came into power in the 2000 rigged elections. September 11th was to be the death knoll to NESARA, and the beginning of their glorious push to OWO. Well guess what? It ain’t gonna happen! (Forgive my grammar!) Praise God! Due to the courageous efforts of Lightworkers both on the ground and in the spiritual realm the dark is defeated. They have run out of dark energy steam. Dark ones, once loyal to them, are jumping ship like fleeing rats. Some are changing sides in a hope to lighten their judgments. Others are just flat out leaving the material world by suicide, being murdered, or being escorted off the planet by GF forces.

Just imagine all this is happening and Fitzgerald has not even come back on the scene since the Libby indictment. What’s going on there you ask? I believe at least a Rove indictment will come down before the end of the year, or shortly after the first of the year. This is why. The grand jury that was suppose to meet this past Wednesday to hear evidence from Fitzgerald was mysteriously cancelled last minute. This may mean that there is again a change in strategy and timing on Fitzgerald’s part in the announcing of more indictments. Behind the scenes there is a lot of last minute negotiations going on as various `in jeopardy’ parties try to improve their chances of saving face and lessen prison time, or an even worse fate. I believe there are a multitude of individuals that are facing serious charges. If I was in their shoes I would be trying to cut a deal to save as much of my skin as possible. Even if Fitzgerald only brings one more indictment, the Rove indictment, to the table on his next appearance it will be another broadside direct hit on the White House ship of state. This will again unleash the media dogs for 24/7 coverage of the event giving the public another dose of the extent of corruption in the White House’s highest echelons of power.

Now what about Bush and Cheney and other top officials like Condi Rice, Rumsfeld, and others. When will they go down? I have read, and heard the Illuminati were going to sacrifice (read assassinate or dispose of) Bush, and perhaps Cheney as well. They want to replace them with pawns more acceptable to the American public and world media. I have read (channeled messages) that they both are clones, but irregardless, they have now failed miserably in their assignments and are now a liability to their Illuminati masters.

Without martial law being imposed before they dispose of Bush and Cheney it is a sticky situation to try to put the right men or women in their positions without a major uprising of the American citizenry. The Presidential Succession Act of 1947 dictates that the next in line after Cheney is the Speaker of the House, Dennis Hastert (God forbid!) and then comes the President pro tempore Ted Stevens neither suitable for fulfilling Illuminati goals. Next in line is the first real possibility in the line of succession that would be acceptable to the Illuminati, Secretary of State Condi Rice. So you see without a major manufactured national calamity that would justify martial law the secret government is hamstrung in moving forward with their agenda. Not that they haven’t tried on numerous occasions this year to pull off a catastrophe or two in order to bring in their police state. I have detailed some of these attempts in past updates. I believe their inability to orchestrate another national disaster on the scale of 9/11 plainly shows there is a stronger invisible restraining hand working behind the scenes. (Read here GF & HOH).

If all this wasn’t enough we have the indictment fallout of the Washington super lobbyist Jack Abramoff sitting in the wings ready to explode into the news. Many congressmen are going to be implicated in the illegal deals that Abramoff engineered. Tom Delay’s troubles are only just beginning as his involvement with Abramoff’s shady deals will all be revealed as the investigation continues.

Soon to be revealed I believe in the mainstream is the most explosive news story of US history. Presently this subject is an absolutely taboo topic and cannot be discuss in the major media without immediate disciplinary action taken against those who attempt to cross the line. Yes you guessed it, the fact that 9/11 was an inside job. Already John Q. Public is beginning to question the official line. After all more and more are going on-line for their news and all you have to do is type into Google “911 conspiracy” and you get over six million hits in .06 seconds!! When 9/11 comes out in the open watch out! This is the equivalent to a neutron bomb going off in DC. Most of you who have known the truth about 9/11 for some time have worked through your anger and despair and have balanced out your energies over this most horrendous betrayal of the public trust by our corrupt government. The vast majority of Americans, even those who have read books or seen videos concerning the 9/11 conspiracy, have not accepted the event as actually being a hideous plot of the secret government to move an agenda forward for world domination and OWO. Believe me when this is openly acknowledge by the officials who will make these truths public we could have an uprising by the outraged public that will bring out the national guard into the streets to keep order.

This is serious business brothers and sisters of the Light. Let us not underestimate the backlash that could occur when this truth comes out. We need to be spiritual prayed up and emotionally and mentally prepared to help calm the masses. More than likely they are going to be at first emotionally and mentally distraught, along with disbelief, and then anger and retribution may manifest. Now I AM not creating this possibility by bringing it up. I pray for calmness and level heads to prevail, but many channeled messages have warned us of that the resultant shock from these revelations may bring upheavals and distress among the American public and we should be in a state of readiness.

I want to mention a couple of things dealing with the financial aspects of NESARA that I read about recently. I saw in a post or an article on the internet that there were some areas in Los Angeles where the banks were zeroing out credit card debt and forgiving home mortgages in some cases. Supposedly this was a test run for some of the banks in the area for the implementation of NESARA. If anyone has any credible evidence on this I would appreciate information emailed to me. Also, to me, Greenspan’s announced retirement in January is a sign that the FRB is soon to be history as well. If you haven’t read the excellent article at on Greenspan’s retirement here is the link >

ALL these are signs that NESARA is at the door!

A couple of setbacks for the Light need to be noted. Karl Swartz who was running for the presidency in 2008 has taken his name out of the running. I was getting his email updates and he was truly letting it all hang out telling the truth as it actually is on a whole range of issues including 9/11! The dark side hacks attacks were bankrupting him financially and threatening him in various ways. He said he is moving out of the country to run his business from overseas. He did say if someone managed to oust this Bush cabal he would consider a cabinet office such as Secretary of State if it was offered to him. Well he may just get that offer sooner that he realizes!

The other perceived setback as I see it at this moment is that someone seems to have told Chris Matthews of MSNBC Hardball to tone down his assault on the Bush administration. I watch him every evening and he was one of the very few news analysts that was willing to really play hardball and ask the hard questions to the various politicians and political pundits he has on the show. This past week he seemed to side with the Bushites on the show and was giving Bush glowing accolades on the success of the Iraq elections. He mentioned last night on the program that he had met Bush at a social affair the night before and Bush had come up to him and said he looked quite preppy in the outfit he was wearing. Chris seemed to eat that up. I believe it would be helpful for the Lightworkers to pray for Chris. As I said above he may have been told to ease up when it comes to Bush and not play Hardball with the pres.

The last point is the Iraqi people. They have suffered enough. They have paid a heavy toll in the tens of thousands of innocent lives lost in this senseless war. I believe they have done their part in bringing NESARA about by bringing Bush’s ratings down like nothing else has. Their sacrifice has been great; it is time for them to experience at least a modicum of peace in their land. At first I was disappointed that the elections had apparently come off so well as this gave Bush his only glimmer of success on yet another dismal week for the administration. But then the Spirit chastened me and put me for just a moment in the typical Iraqi shoes. I was unable to walk in them; they were too heavy to bear. I wept. It suddenly dawned upon me that even though the dark cabal seemed to get a victory in the lack of violence during the elections, it was really the Iraqis who won. NESARA will soon be implemented world wide and Iraq will indeed lead the way to true peace and establish a government based upon galactic law that the other Arab nations can emulate. Indeed ALL things truly work out to the good.

Lightworkers, the divine winds of change are upon us and they are about to increase to full gale force in the very near future. Yes NESARA is soon to manifest, to be followed by First Contact and the arrival of the Masters to begin teaching the Wisdom of the Ages to the earth’s population. Let us hoist up the mainsails, tighten the rigging, pull the rudder around and get set to go wherever the spirit wind listeth. For it is taking us to NESARA land, a place flowing with milk and honey, rest and peace, abundance and happiness.

See you there!!


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