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Poofness Message, February 18, 2007

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everything out of their hands into the hands of the nice folks who'll be knocking at your door.

As near as, I could tell, they were ready by Wednesday to proceed. I realize the whole country wasn't under snow and ice but huge chunks were. Try to understand, this must be a coordinated delivery...all over the world...this part, the end.

No one upstairs believes you'll keep your mouths shut upon reception and they do expect it will hit the internet, regardless of that nd. The only way to handle that is make sure, as many as, possible receive simultaneously, during the downpour. I know most of my readers will read that nd and the accompanying instructions and follow them explicitedly...but not all receivers are readers or have kept up thru the years.

Some folks are suddenly hearing from friends they haven't heard from in years and I hope part of the conversations involve them keeping their mouths shut upon reception.

Both sides of the atlantic are on the same page and that is, this is over, the finish is upon the world.

I know there's a lot of suffering going on out here and people need help, desparately, medical bills, housing issues, some just basic as feeding themselves....really messed up for a country that suppose to be the land of plenty.

There's a lot of really messed up stuff transpiring in our nation's capital, that may take a minute before it hits the news, if at all. But when you start hearing about certain people, retiring from gov life, to 'spend more time with their families', or outright suicides, understand there's a lot more to it. History will be particularly harsh on these years, there's just entirely too much to keep hidden...besides you can't keep hungry people down for long...look what happen to the last person who told the poor to 'eat cake'.

Perhaps, that's the reason the family was trying to make that land purchase in paraguay...which btw, I was told went south, as too problematic for the country considering it's neighbors' opposition.

I see there are some people out here trying to tell everyone that europe is about to go new world order another tactic to scare you from going there. Different from the states, when a country's leader is messing up and the people don't like it, they throw the bums out, before they finish their terms!

These funds being put in your hands are going to give you immense choices on how things roll in the future, something certain powers are rue to have you be aware of. Being in charge of your own existence does not serve them so, while this one group can't stop the funding, they are using everything in their power to keep you believing in the status quo, so the wheel keeps turning without any significant changes.

This is not about politics or any such mundane considerations, it's about control of the planet. I want you to remember that, no matter where you go or what you do. We already have the tech to clean the water, the air, and get off of's up to you to get behind it and engage, I certainly am. So while I'll be 'offline' for a while after reception, you'll find me popping back up and help direct you to people of similar interests, like ending these ridiculous world hunger and health problems.

It says, the meek shall inherit the earth, not the bodacious and self serving. Don't interpret 'meek' as timid, timid gets nothing done, it's too busy 'compromising'. We've entered a time when tremendous boldness will be required. Put your money behind the powerful changes that must take place here, the returns will be immense. I'll be there, hammer and sword, in hand. Send them down into their deep holes they are choosing to hide in while the population gets wiped out, so folks like myself pour concrete over them and keep them in them never to rise again.

Some of you know exactly what I've just said, others not, and that's ok, just trust me and step into the future with what you know.

Folks, all I can tell you is, this thing is at it's end, for whatever logistical stuff that's had to be handled. Don't scream your frustrations at me, if it were up to me, this would have been over years ago. Then again, many of you would have been trying to keep the wheel turning as it's been, if a lot more information wouldn't have come to you which made you change your minds on all sorts of things. Think about it. Bless this week, in your silent moments, receive, and break camp.

Big hugs to all of you who've hung in there despite the crap thrown in our way, as victory is with us all. Now don't buy any wooden nickles at the last moment and blow it, believing it's ok to access in this country and keep your money. They have one more trick for you, if you buy it, you're screwed.

You'll know what it is, as soon as, it comes across the news...I'm not putting it out here but all of you will recognize it, too many folks in the past have put it all over the internet...believe it makes all safe, at your own peril.

Love and Kisses, Poofness