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Casper Update for March 31, 2007

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3). announcements now must precede deliveries.

4). reinforcements have arrived.

5). victory is near.

Housekeeping first: the "IRS is gone" document flying around this week is garbage, pay no attention. federal courts ruled 10 years ago the income tax is unconstitutional. all was suppressed at the appellate level. one way to quickly judge the validity of such stuff is to realize that the IRS is not illegal and will probably never go away. it's the income tax that's unconstitutional and whatever tax replaces it will still have to be collected by a reorganized agency.

now for the news: the bad guys managed to make incredible sums of money disappear into cyberspace. retrieving and downloading to proper places took a week, required a staff of 300 and was accomplished from Germany.

this resulted in "all clear" for deliveries yesterday, the 30th. Thursday p.m. the 29th, G.W. and Higgins again grabbed the packs. Higgins and several other world court judges have been bribed causing them to help block deliveries and give G.W./Cheney/Paulson/Chertoff/Bernake/Gonzales/Q./ et al and 1500 D.C. politicians and their staff's immunity. the world has never known such levels of corruption.

Powerful allies show up, confront world court, told where to go and leave stating "there's more than one way to skin a cat".

More allies show up and bad guys bank accounts begin disappearing into cyberspace, followed by deactivation of credit cards with more such activities to follow.

attempts are made to get media to release names and amounts stolen, they refuse as they are and always have been part of the problem. good guys make decision announcements of constitutional law must come first to get rid of homeland sec., patriot act, crooked politicians and threats to recipients, not to mention bank corruption on a scale hardly imaginable.

More allies en-route from abroad to help this happen. buyout of broadcast network's part of equation. every signature, every document, every agreement signed by bad guys violated AGAIN.

As discussed in previous correspondence bush/Clinton/bush all in this together and were elected president of the CORPORATE U.S., and entity different and separate from the constitutional U.S.. they have used this entity and it's subset's (state and local) to subvert the constitution, the legislature, the executive and even the courts. what's worse, none of this is a secret in those circles. those who don't know when they arrive in D.C. are quickly "educated" as to how things really work. this is why federal judges occasionally fly off the handle as defendants demand their "constitutional rights" screaming in open court "if you mention the constitution one more time I will find you in contempt of court". this is why lawsuits won by patriots at the federal district level are gagged and never see the light of day. these bastards ( politicians& judges) have overthrown the country, the constitution and the rule of law and are so overwhelmingly guilty of so much that exposure will leave them "without a country". this is why announcements, when they begin, will require several days if not weeks to inform the American people what has been done to them and what has been done in their name.

Word commeth some can't buy groceries, some can't pay utility bills, some are trying to borrow money from staff. is this true?? we think so. this info flying all over D.C. with several "first hand" reports. listen carefully for the squealing of the ravenous gluttonous pig.

What now?? announcements Sunday night, deliveries Monday/Wednesday. . . how you ask, when the bad guys control everything?? we must assume the good guys who have proven capable of retrieving sums of money so great as to be unmentionable here are also capable of getting the announcements done.

The WAR continues. it's the u.s. mafia, masquerading as a government, against the rest of the world, the constitution, all things good and decent, and you and me. guess which side god is on.......

Casper 3-31-07