The SAGA Continues........!!!
TO MY SOURCE..............
CS wrote:
ANY NEWS ON A CONTINUATION OF THE SPY NOVEL [Yesterday's C. Story email]? I hope he [C. Story] does not leave us hanging.
FROM MY SOURCE..............
C....The answer to your question was in Story's last update [yesterday's email] down near the bottom with regard to the British Bankers that flew in on Tuesday to clean up the mess that the US bankers couldn't. That's all I can say right now as after talking to Mr. Story yesterday, I promised I would let him complete the story without trying to pass it around through the rumor mill. Don't worry about being left hanging. Keep watching the news as lousy as it is for a signal that change is upon the world.
From: MH
Sent:Wednesday, November 7, 2007 1:58 PM
Update on Yesterday: Story of Funds, Felons, Clowny-Subs, Em-Peaches
As the smoke, dust and distractions of yesterday start to settle and clear let's review what was accomplished.A great city-bank has fallen prey to banksters' criminal manipulations and dragged many thousands down with them. This is confirmed.The Provost Marshal General acted and is not finished with his work. More to come. Chris Story will have another mighty report tomorrow or Friday. This is a series of pulitzer prize performances by Chris
IMO. No financial editor/journalist has had a more daunting task than to reveal the largest and most pervasive criminal conspiracy to defraud the public and steal the wealth of the world through corrupt central bank manipulations with governments co-conspiring so massively that only the Provost Marshal General could stand against presidents and ex-presidents; FR Chrmn; Treasury secretaries past and present and even supreme ct judges. Treason, fraud and felonious behaviors unprecedented in our history involving $2000 Trillion which is yet to be even hinted at in the mainstream financial press? Does it stop there, with citibank? Far from it. At least 2-3 other nearby banks were visited yesterday and Merrill Lynch is among the list of likely financial giants that may have to close their doors soon. Morgan Stanley and B of A have also been implicated and have more off-books than on. The off-books securities have dropped from 100% and desirable to 20% and undesirable. When this fall in asset value is acknowledged they will beessentially bankrupt.
How that will affect the stock market and other banks can only be imagined at this moment. Denial by all concerned continues. Chris will see that that strategy won't last long. Dennis Kucinich with the support of 21 co-sponsors, brought Impeachment to the floor of the House yesterday. They were well on their way to success when Dem Majority leader Hovey put up a motion to table/kill HR333. That failed. Hovey then ask for a vote on a motion to refer the measure to the Judiciary Committee. It takes 218 votes for a motion to carry. They got exactly 218. John Conyers committee will now determine whether hearings are to be held...in spite of leadership statements that that will not be allowed. Today, during a break in an appearance on Air America radio, Dennis Kucinich stated that the issue is not tabled and that he will see that it comes back for a vote and that the Heads will find themselves headed for the Hague. The KOS today confirmed that Bill and Hillary were among those taken into custody. If you see doubles/clones on display that is all they are.
The principals are in custody and there are many more whose names will be cited, probably by ChrisStory in the next 48 hours. He already suggested some very highly placed names in his last report. Now that the Provost Marshal has stepped into this drama action must continue or he could be charged with Misprison, since he now knows from direct personal observation the magnitude of the crimes and the refusal to cease their actions. Scientists raise alert levels as Indonesian volcano spews ash
From: 'Brasscheck TV' <news@brasschecktv. com
To: Lorane
Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2007 4:37 AM
Subject: Brasscheck TV: Impeachment is now officially on the table
The US news is censoring it, but US Representative Dennis Kucinich has moved on the House floor to initiate impeachment proceedings against Vice
President Richard Cheney.
In my opinion NOTHING is more important for the future of the United States than the removal from office and criminal prosecution of Cheney and others in the Bush administration.
Please spread the word about this important and heavily censored story.
The gauntlet has been thrown down. Kucinich makes the case brilliantly. The process has begun
Now it's up to us to make noise about this and force the media to pay attention and make sure the rest of the country knows.
http://www.brasschecktv.com/ page/199. html
- Brasscheck
P.S. Please share this e-mail with friends and colleagues.
That's how we grow. Thanks.
Posted By:
Date: Wednesday, 7 November 2007, 4:36 p.m. Citibank Rescue Team Created
Any Relation to Wanta Scandal?
As I ponder the latest Wanta scandal reports it seems as if Citibank is suddenly all over the news with tales of woes and troubles. Maybe a connection, maybe not. The story below says Citibank has lost a third of its value in this year.
Citigroup creates sub-prime salvage team.
By Danny Fortson
Published: 07 November 2007
Citigroup has set up an internal team of bankers, led by Richard Stuckey, to try to unwind its exposure to $43bn (£21bn) worth of securities related to sub-prime American home loans.
The establishment of the Sub-Prime Portfolio Group, announced yesterday via an internal memo, comes during one of the bank's worst-ever weeks, which began with the revelation that it would have to write down up to $11bn due to its exposure to sub-prime mortgage. The revelation led to the resignation of its chairman and chief executive, Charles Prince.
The world's largest bank also restated its third-quarter earnings, trimming them by $166m to $2.2bn. The credit ratings agencies Moody's and Fitch downgraded Citi due to uncertainty over possible further writedowns. Its chief financial officer, Gary Crittenden, was able to give little assurance to investors when he said on a conference call earlier this week that the estimated losses could get worse, depending on how the market develops over the next eight weeks.
Recall this clip from the latest Wanta update:
The Provost Marshal will seize Citibank/Citigroup or is doing so right now, and a team of British specialist bankers employed by Citibank in the United Kingdom is flying over at this time to take charge of the practical issues which need to be resolved at Citibank, in order for the Lee Wanta Settlement that triggers the separate payments, to take effect.
This illustrates the reality that the Provost Marshal cannot trust a single American banker to carry out his instructions. Instead he has had to resort to importing British bankers to do the job for him.
Also recall that Story has said that it is not only bankers from Citibank being arrested but those of other institutions as well. The we see this report today:
Bankers among 20 arrested in Brazil.
By Jonathan Wheatley in São Paulo
updated 4:40 a.m. ET, Wed., Nov. 7, 2007
Brazilian police have arrested 20 people including an employee of UBS, the Swiss bank, on suspicion of crimes including money laundering, tax evasion and illegal transfer of money overseas.
The operation provides further evidence of the willingness of Brazil's police to tackle white collar crime, often with the co-operation of overseas forces.
Police said those arrested included three bank employees - two foreign and one Brazilian - six or seven black market currency traders, and wealthy Brazilian individuals. According to police, the group had been illegally transferring money overseas at a rate of R$7m ($4m) a month for at least the past six months. UBS confirmed that a Swiss-based employee had been arrested in São Paulo and that the bank was in touch with the Brazilian authorities.
Is there in fact a worldwide bankster crackdown going on right now, as Christopher Story has suggested a number of times?
Story says Citibank's real problems are how to pay the nearly $400 billion in interest accrued during its withholding of Wanta's money.
Meanwhile we had this story a few days ago telling how an analyst who got death threats for her reporting about Citibank's problems:
Analyst who downgraded Citigroup threatened
Comment caused broad sell-off, she has been told her life is in danger
NEW YORK - The analyst whose downgrade of Citigroup Inc sparked a broad stock market sell-off on Thursday said she has received several death threats stemming from her research, the Times of London said.
Meredith Whitney of CIBC World Markets Inc late Wednesday downgraded Citigroup to "sector underperformer," saying the largest U.S. bank by assets might need to raise more than $30 billion of capital and cut its dividend.
Her downgrade triggered a 6.9 percent drop in Citigroup's shares on Thursday, leading to declines of 362 points in the Dow Jones industrial average and 2.6 percent in the Standard & Poor's 500, the biggest drop since August.
It also led to renewed calls for Citigroup Chief Executive Charles Prince to step down.