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Poof's Response To Casper's May 25, 2007 Update

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y without further mucking about by this side, otherwise, they'll put these folks business on the street and they can figure out how to explain that. Ms Wu put it on w, he looked like a whipped puppy on tv the other day, After his so-called victory over the dems...why so sad, sonny? Meanwhile, as nothing is suppose to going on, 2 more of my neighbors received. At least I know they know where this little burg is. They began in earnest on thurs and following this current schedule should be done by tuesday with we peons.

Cheers, Poof


Obviously the packs did not go out at 2 p.m. 5-23-07 as previously stated. They were again grabbed by the Supreme Court that afternoon. The following morning (Thursday) our judges again obtained possession from the Supreme Court and gave them to the couriers for delivery today. Again last night G.W., operating thru the Supreme Court for cover, stopped it again. They are desperate to stop the announcements by blocking deliveries.

And that's where it stands at the moment. Our judges, now numbering approximately 350, are working to overcome them again. More when available.

Casper 5-25-07