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Casper Report - May 23, 2007

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ell should the President decide to snap his fingers.

We also suggested they consider the many and varied goings on relative to IRAN, not the least of which is three (not the usual two) full compliment carrier groups " steaming" together in the Persian Gulf near the coast of Iran. Remember the recent Russian intelligence report (Sorcha F.) which said several foreign intelligence sources say the U.S. will attack Iran on June 6th?

Announcements should be tomorrow night if all goes well. The "hostage" packs held in D.C. left there at 2p.m. today. Wanta is happening. The suitcase is said to track his (G.W.’s) deviant conduct all the way back to age 19 and will all come out. Constitutional Law goes into effect as of 6-1-07. Domestic Swiss banks are up and running. Showdown underway: Judges vs G.W..

The checks are Treasury checks. The cards have Treasury logos. I am told that the reason Treasury can suddenly be trusted is because the money is not really there. It’s elsewhere and protected and comes through to us safely with no opportunity for them to repeat past sins. Besides, the Swiss set-up is supposed to bypass Treasury anyway. Let’s read the contents of the package.

The "inside" rumors mostly deal with the devastating announcements (devastating to G.W.) and the role of the Chinese right now. They are everywhere (buying Goldman Sachs ??), saving B of A and Wachovia, paying Wanta. They are present inside treasury and present at the ranch last Sunday. The Bush Administration has pumped $ three billion into Blackstone (secret Bush Administration “black operation”) this week and on and on the list goes.

Get your popcorn ready.

Casper 5-23-07