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NESARA UPDATE: From Casper the Ghost, April 29, 2006

BY: Casper the Ghost

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dozen attorneys, in the federal courtroom of Federal Judge Debra Batts, "this will happen over my dead body and I have a $300 Trillion war-chest to fight it with". The fruit doesn't fall very far from the tree.

Yesterday when all was set to go President George W. Bush ordered The Carlyle Group to direct the carriers not to deliver as scheduled and also overrode the G-8 embargo orders (which had been read to us earlier in the day). This resulted in the United States Supreme Court. convening at 6 a.m. today to deal with him. Our attorneys were present, as were GW himself, the justice dept., Carlyle and others. After a "war" lasting most of the day the court ruled against his demand for the Trillions made illegally trading our money and ordered deliveries to re-commence Sunday, "Dont care how you do it, just get it done". They also required GW to sign the papers himself and a photograph was taken of him doing so.

All recipients are herewith advised as follows: If there are any additional blockages or screw-ups of any kind or nature it will be President George W. Bush personally who has authored the same and we, as a group, should actively and loudly demand his impeachment by every means at our disposal. Lletters to editors, call in programs, call all of your elected representatives, signs on rooftops, etc.. This request comes from those who have been "carrying our water" these recent past weeks.

Some "list managers" have been besieged with e-mails stating " this is wrong, that cant be right". Given the constantly changing circumstances on the "battlefield" where action/reaction is occurring hourly it is not surprising many find these "blow by blow" details hard to follow-even questionable. The information and intelligence contained herein does not come from someone with merely a glass pressed against a door. Neither is it from simply "observers" of meetings or actions. It comes from those who call meetings, conduct meetings, participate in and guide the outcome of meetings. While subject to change on a moments notice, the information and intelligence is accurate at the time it is given to us. It is given by those present, willingly and without recompense.

These people are fighting a corrupt power structure FOR US. They ask nothing and will accept nothing in return. NOTHING. not even candy and flowers. They are doing this "for the people". for "WE THE PEOPLE", neither asking or giving quarter, often without sleep for days on end, until the job is finished and right has overcome wrong.

We must awake and realize that the orders were coming from the top, the very top, for years, then months, then weeks, then days and now hour by hour by hour. Most "opponents" have seen the light and now side with truth, justice and the American Way (that’s us). There remains a "cabal" led by GW and Carlyle and it remains to see what, if anything, they will do next. One thing we know with certainty from experience: their "word", whether verbal or in writing, is worthless.

Pray for deliveries Sunday and Monday. That is the current news and the currently agreed upon schedule. addios, again. Casper

(Note: The Delivery people did not work on Sunday, April 30, but are to work Monday, May 1 delivering the bank packets, with completion set for Tuesday, May 2, 2006. PHB)