Casper Update, October 1, 2007
This morning the "world", led by the IMF, has notified all countries that a worldwide EMBARGO against the United States, Canada, England and China will go into effect at 1 p.m. EST and that they are, at this time, preparing a public announcement for worldwide distribution. GW was notified and once again tried his usual "i will now let them go" to no avail. ( is this not reminiscent of the biblical-"let my people go"?).
Read todays update from C. Story. It's enlightening.
Oil tankers to be turned around enroute, all sea traffic to stand down outside 12 mile territorial waters, a total embargo not just oil.
GW says "they are bluffing, they don't have the guts".
The IMF says "we are preparing the announcement".
We will soon know. More when available.
casper 10-1-07