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Casper Update April 18, 2007

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enes activities. Much information is spread, often in conflict with itself. "Sources", true sources, are under multiple non-disclosures as "they" continue to compartmentalize information to disguise their activities and to keep the termites (us) in the dark.

People come and go, meetings are almost continuous here and abroad, action/reaction every day between "them" and "us".

Every week more bribery surfaces, more funds are stolen or recaptured from previous thefts. Courts and banks and governments and nations are all involved in pushing/pulling, competing, demanding and "fighting to the death" for their preferred outcome. So much information flies around which is not so much incorrect as limited in its view.

Like the blind men feeling the elephant's tail and leg then arguing whether an elephant resembles a rope or a tree. To tackle incorrect information head-on, in writing, publicly, is to open Pandora's Box and to hurt, not help participants by getting into a public discussion of secret things; OUR secrets. Do you want your extremely secret business affairs spread on the internet in these last moments before delivery? Read previous correspondence. Nothing much has changed even though certain messengers don't know, never knew in the first place and still believe an elephant resembles a rope.

Everyone's information has merit and is valuable in the construction of the mosaic. Everyone's information, including mine, has holes in it. The goal is deliveries and the changes they trigger. Its King Kong vs T-Rex; Alien vs Predator. We are spectators of history in the making.

They found another $500B stashed in Brazil by Bill and Hillary. Some say 100 times that amount was stolen and retrieved. There were several liens filed which are being (have been) dealt with. Liens are used to be sure certain parties get their money and are released as the money is released. Certain packs move back and forth, round about, as their delivery controls other deliveries per orders of bribed World Court.

Judges' attempts to bribe trustees, investors, and bankers are never ending. Last week more than 100++bankers in management positions were fired by B of A and Citi for refusing bribery. They are being relocated by the good guys with seniority and pensions intact. Stay away from B of A, Citi and Wachovia. Trustees in lesser programs have been made liquid.

Merkle's sudden return to Germany on Monday was family related. VIP's arrived last wed night, more Thursday, more Friday to help get the job done (not G-7). Attempts are made to recall World Court judges. FDIC seals are removed from bank doors Monday, replaced by seal "Backed by Full Faith and Credit of the United States".

Deliveries and announcements scheduled this week, probably Thursday. The meetings in multiple European locations Monday/Tuesday involve offshore portion of deal not what we are awaiting here and now. The Central Trustee finished Friday/Saturday and was "let go". "Letter only" references are to offshore part of deal. Yes the blue and black are real but not everyone receives them. Dozens of small programs have been placed under the Umbrella.

Now, for the first time ever, I will address the "celestial messages" in which "Christ Michael" (creator of our universe) has twice mentioned Casper this month.

I have been a serious student of these writings for more than twenty years all the way back to the "contact" newspapers. I have read more that forty of the "journals" and am currently reading the 2100 page "Urantia" book. I have followed with interest the internet messages from Nidle, Aton, Hatonn (both), Christ Michael, Ashtar, Sa-lu-sa, St. Germain, Sananda, Dianne, St. Halarion, Ker-on, Atmos, Avenda, Ag-Agria and many others since they first began appearing on the internet. The information provided by these "celestial" sources is interesting, fascinating, complex, enlightening, revealing, perplexing, overwhelming, sometimes frightening and at once compelling. In his message of 4-1-07 and his "clarification" of 4-4-07 Christ Michael says Casper is in "cahoots" with poof/Wanta/Milson and others, which is not true, that Granny's first name is Valerie which is not true, that there are no debit/credit cards which is not true. Now I am unsure (as if I was ever sure) whether I have been reading messages from the creator of our universe (Nebadon) in which earth (Urantia) resides or whether these messages originate in a windowless basement office at Langley by someone with a God complex. After all, if you can't trust information from the creator of the universe who can you trust? "They" (meaning the celestials) speak of our world "bursting into bloom" followed by statements of "colossal geophysical changes". First, deliveries are imminent, followed by "the dark cabal" (U.S. Gov't) must be removed first. One says to "estopple" ourselves from the internet, another says to continue to use the internet to get the truth out there. "Christ Michael" says we don't know the difference between "funding by the light vs. funding by the dark". He is certainly right about that. I know of no "darkside" plans to fund any of us anything. Only continuous, never ending efforts to stop all funding processes everywhere. Then Hatonn #1 says he has "allowed" Hatonn #2 to operate from the Philippines and to intentionally mislead his students/followers/believers since 1999. WOW !!! Crist Michael/Hatonn/Aton (all the same) says he has Sananda (Jesus), Germain and many other ascended masters aboard his ship. It therefore seems reasonable that information from these sources should be consistent and unfailingly accurate. Suddenly it is none of that, and so, on behalf of all of us, but most especially those of us who are serious students, I invite Christ Michael and his celestial helpmates to clarify their clarification. 20 years is a substantial investment.

Regarding access on or off this is now the pre-eminent question. If 100++ said no (to bribery) how many said yes and remain in place?? Even our sources "sources" are now confused. Some say the meetings in Scotland Monday/Tuesday "fixed things". No more banking trouble from bad guys. Others say all money moved offshore to avoid domestic corruption, access via debit cards which represent Euro-deposits. Others say all this current information flying around applies to offshore funds only. Domestic portion is still domestic.

I can not and do not claim to have definitive word in this regard. My "opinion" remains the same. Those who are capable of getting this done and have been through so much to see it through would not allow the package itself to be used as an instrument of fraud, therefore the enclosed instructions are likely trustworthy. Thousands are very elderly, many are infirm and can't travel. Surely they realize this and have made provision.

P.S. To "Christ Michael". Speaking of invitations, how about an invitation from you to me to ask a series of questions on behalf of all us students?

P.P.S. To everyone. Late news says all money moved offshore today including interest accruals due to overwhelming domestic bank corruption. Hundreds apparently "took the money" (bribes). EVERYTHING is now run out of Brussels. Offshore access means domestic bankers don't have your access codes. If you access offshore, when you return you can use the cards to access any amount at any bank and they can't do anything. This is new and current advice from "on high" from those who previously thought domestic access would be safe. So for now, subject to change again tomorrow, put me in the poof camp for the first time ever. Bahamas and Caymans are "offshore".

P.P.P.S. No sooner do I finish the above than other banking connections who have been working on this issue all day call back saying it is O.K. to use the enclosed blue card immediately while any remaining problems are cleared up and announcements made. Then it is O.K. to access the remainder domestically under new banking system with new software which guarantees transparency. So move me back to the "I don't know column".



Question to "Poofness":

What stage are the deliveries?

Response from "Poofness":

They are in 'deliver the rest' stage. What's going on at this very moment is the head honchos of these programs were meeting and hopefully they are finished already, as that's the determination as when the downpour begins. Anyone who's stuck their finger into this pie, regardless of who they are, are noted and have little check marks by their names. All money is straight, returned from whatever hinterlands they were attempted to be hidden in. The 'revenge factor' kicks in after delivery is finished. This part is just about getting it over with, whatever that takes. Justice will come after. I have no delay info.