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Casper Report: Sept. 23, 2007

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their information is "event driven". Pull up your "poof" updates for the last five years. Take the dates off and you can shuffle them like a deck of cards and read any one of them as if it is today's "news". Don't get angry with such ignorance, just recognize it for what it is and realize that this is how he and his "helpers" are trying to support themselves. Those who deal daily with the goings on of all programs, incl. IMF, long ago gave up on the prospect of "learning" anything from this fellow.

The Bankers meetings in Jackson Hole were three weeks ago as we informed you at the time. Three week old data is actually an improvement for this fellow so try to look at it that way. While many of us monitor the movement of the packages every day and speak with multiple IMF Trustees every day, this fellow regurgitates the same useless information week after week and pretends that information known to every high school student who can read a newspaper is somehow "news". "Poof" and his money raising buddies disgust me with their pretense's so excuse my rant which is once again a reflex reaction to his latest personal attack and warmed over diatribe. Many of us have been fully invested in the outcome of these programs years before there was and "0" a CH or A "Poof" so it is easy for us to identify "windbags", especially those who are so conspicuously uninformed month after month. Well, enough of that.

The "help" that arrived from way far away was instrumental in getting things back on track but it is the World Bank which is swinging the big stick right now and getting the ball (packs) rolling once again. A half dozen additional attempts to trade various portions of the money were again stopped this weekend and those attempts are not now stopping deliveries which are highly likely tomorrow. Cr. Suisse and B.A. are toast with several VIP banking contacts saying B.A. in particular has little hope of surviving. Remember, this is the corrupt NATIONS bank crowd which merged with and assumed the name of B.A.. The "20th century programs" referred to by "poof" do not come first as he states, they follow us and it has always been thus. Those trustees have their vouchers are awaiting our deliveries to gain access to their funds. GO/Paulson have had control of OUR packages until Saturday, not the IMF stuff as "poof" states. IMF people in this country are expecting a letter only not a package, and there is a very slim chance we too will get a letter and they may hold the packs at the bank. Immediate appointments and rather immediate announcements. The "hot" news this weekend is several sources reporting release of Wanta's funds Saturday. By the way, Carlyle is not going anywhere and has not been sold to Dubai or "eaten" by Dubai as stated by "poof". They are selling 7.5% of their management company (only) to Dubai which is throwing oil money back into the U.S. with both hands as is China (the reds). Also, ( i just can't help myself), " Rocky" is and always has been the big kahuna at Chase, not Citi, as stated by " Poofie". This has been international news and common knowledge for decades and i fully expect "poofie" will catch up soon. As for Trustees/mis-behavior/vouchers, also baloney. Trustee's who follow the major programs have all received vouchers which convert to "access" as soon as we receive. Dotson is an example of this, having received his voucher 3 weeks ago and then sitting on his duff in the bank in Switzerland waiting for us to overcome the Bush mafia and get things underway so he can access. That (access) happens more or less simultaneous with our deliveries.

I will spare you a rehash of the banking news, etc. except to say that we are told that all is a go as previously discussed, and that the current info is that the domestic branches of offshore banks which have been set up to handle us are safe and our visit there will be as if we are in their offshore offices. So be careful of those trying to "sell" you something as the problems they purport to solve, as a general statement, likely no longer exist if they ever did. You do not need to "avoid" taxes which have been paid before you receive. It's a brave new world coming where crooks get castrated.

Look for deliveries tomorrow. Will advise if anything else goes wrong. Prayerfully, Prayerfully, this should be my last communication so best wishes to everyone, even "poofie". Please remember which is shut down while they overcome the governments latest attempt to silence "we the people".

casper 9-23-07

NOTE:  A very small portion of this communication was left off because we felt it was unacceptable for publication. It was Casper's response to Poof.   PHB