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Casper Report - July 9, 2007


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ters themselves as we have multiple access points.

Delivery of all programs rescheduled today through Wednesday, military escort and/or delivery. (deliveries more likely tomorrow than today).

--->This morning GW tells the military he will court marshal anyone helping with deliveries. Military says orders illegal, we will follow our oaths. GW tells senators in meetings this morning "you will back me in confrontation with the military or I will release the sex tape myself". Their response, "go ahead and do it. We will accept responsibility for what we have done, you are the one who will not accept responsibility". Result ??

Big meetings underway now, GW threatening everyone including us. Extreme confrontation underway. Outcome unknown-yet, but we anticipate GW loses due to signing of return to Constitution, initial military response and failure of Homeland Security in attempt to retrieve packs from military. {THIS JUST IN]: carriers refusing to deliver in spite of military escort. All have been bribed and/or threatened including and especially BRINKS which had control of those packs originating from D.C.. Military retrieving packs from carriers and will deliver themselves starting tomorrow not today.

--->This is a textbook example of the kinds of things that have been going on behind the scenes since late May.

Extreme confrontation GW and allies vs China, Interpol, other countries etc., etc., etc., etc., etc..... GW has gone over the edge or "around the bend" as the English would say. He is issuing death threat orders then refusing to put them in writing. He is now on a level previously occupied by Napoleon and Hitler. He serves the bond holders, the multi-nationals, the military industrial complex, the international bankers, the illuminati, DVD, big oil and big pharma and his father(DVD) and Cheney. Lest you think we would be better off with Gore/Kerry, their agenda is MANMADE global warming, the purpose being INTERNATIONAL taxation for the UN to fight their self created “boogieman” and for their "johns" to build 500/1000 nuclear power plants worldwide.

Pick your poison. Both camps are corrupt to the core and as always it is use of government as an instrument of self enrichment for themselves and the "johns" they represent controlling the puppet beaurocrats from behind the scenes.

It's always about money. Western capitalism is always about money. Their political "cover" is democracy, a form of government DESPISED by the founding fathers as described extensively in the Federalist Papers. The average lifespan of any "democracy" is 200 years. We are at 230 and failure surrounds us like a raging forest fire.

"Democracy" is a bear a wolf and a sheep voting "what’s for lunch". The papers returning America to the Constitution have been signed and will be announced on your television which will make it suddenly true for the sleeping public. As he exited the constitutional convention in 1787 the crowd beseeched Ben Franklin, "what kind of government have you given us Ben?"

"A REPUBLIC" he replied, "if you can keep it." If you don't understand the difference look it up. We pledge allegiance to the REPUBLIC not to the democracy.

As Ms. America 1924 recently said, "GW is a spoiled little rich kid in bad need of a spanking". But they (politicians) are all the same and that’s my point. As an example, did you know that two or three years ago the Farm Claim money was stolen and used to purchase a large Russian oil company which was then "flipped" for billion's in profit ???

Can you guess who was in partnership in the deal which was subsequently discovered, money recovered and returned to us ?? Bush, both Clintons, John Kerry and wife and many, many other politicians. This is but one example of the dozens (literally) of times they managed to divert/steal the funds.

---->GW has destroyed the Republican party meaning we will likely have a democratic president, and, because the democratic base is the least informed citizens it is likely to be Hillary thereby continuing the status quo (arrest warrants?) a different flavor of snake oil to be sure, snake oil none the less. Only two presidents in history can equal the corruption of Bill Clinton and that's the Bushes.

Wilson later admitted be was bamboozled by the bankers when he allowed them to finance his campaign in return for his support for the unconstitutional privately owned Federal Reserve Central Bank. Pray the warrants will be made public to avoid a continuation of the Bush/Clinton crime syndicate.

Breaking News: GW orders Homeland Security to arrest the military handling deliveries. Number one target? Peter Pace, chairman joint chief's of staff (till September). Homeland refuses, or more likely was told "just try it".

Runner across CNN: "Pelosi to move forward (or demands) Bush impeachment.

Rumor: Cheney returns from Dubai where he has been hiding, now in bunker on his Wyoming ranch surrounded by guards-AND-he has been joined there by Paulson and family.

Rumor: PYDMW (people you don't mess with) call White House this a.m. demanding immediate audience, G.W. refuses, they are en route to D.C. anyway.

ANOTHER worldwide "release" 10 a.m. today.

IMF to pay the 100++ Federal Reserve programs beginning Thursday (to insure recipients paid).

Dotson ready-later this week.

23 banks now 28, ready for us.

Granny money and Marshall Plan money also coming pronto.

Now that the military has located their copy of their oath (and their courage) perhaps the sunshine patriots in the media (if there are any left), will wake up and BUCK UP.

As you can see, the WAR continues. At this moment good has the upper hand. What will they do with the rest of this day and tonight?? Whatever they can to stop deliveries in order to stop announcements in order to preserve their dominion over the world. This is history in the making and a whopper of a tale for our grandchildren.

Casper 7-09-07