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Casper the Ghost

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rip to the Hague if she interferred again, today the Connecticut Trustee. arranged to pay the big investors in front of us, a completely illegal switch of the payout schedule. G.W.'s plan was to get the big boys paid and out of the way, stiff the rest of us leaving no alternative other than lawsuits and thereby capture use of the funds for a decade if not the outright theft of funds.

seven "investors" led by Bill GATES went in to "got funded", smelled a rat as they knew they were not supposed to go first, refused to leave with their money, left their cards at the bank, demanded the codes be changed so big investors could not access before us, and, any who tried should lose their funds. Late in the day our angels had a lengthy conversation with this incredible man and he informed us that he and many other of the "wealthiest” men in the world have advised the Chinese, the World Court and “THE DEVIL” what will happen if we are not funded tomorrow. Then, news from China, emergency meetings called and underway as I write, implying china somehow involved with GW and CT in todays scam (this is opinion not hard fact).

CHAVEZ said "the mafia is running the U.S.". This lifelong devout conservative agrees. If it were not for people like GATES and our secret helpers we would be "cannon fodder" just like our young hero's in the military. deliveries equate to announcements which equate to the demise of the status quo, the NEW WORLD ORDER, and the Bush Administration. They are guilty of so much, so very much, what do they care about a few more horrible last minute crimes?

bush told Gates we will have deliveries tomorrow. He said the same last Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. The man is sick, and as near as i can tell, evil incarnate. he is, of course, a pawn of his father and Cheney. "WE" have been sold out by Sandra Day O’Connor, the queen, Merkle, the Supreme Court and now, possibly, China and the World Court. Why? They want the MONEY, and they will sell us out in a heartbeat to get their hands on it!!!! And yet, everytime, just in time, a savior appears ready and able to stop the criminals. Today it is MR BILL GATES and the seven others who would not go along with todays scam. Remember this when you are confused about where to put your money to work for mankind. Obviously brother BUFFET knew what he was doing.

What are we going to do, when we are wealthy, about the cesspool that is Wash. D.C.? That is a subject for another day but it is something that should be on our minds night and day.

Only god knows what these sorry bastards will pull overnight but we can rest better knowing that some of the wealthiest men in the world are now aware of all they have done to us and are now representing our interest as well as their own.