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Poof Update May 13, 2007

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eal it, and the queen didn't show up once, on my radar. I don't know who keeps changing the contents of the envelopes, but logistically, that doesn't work very well. I can't wait to be staring at a check with a $100,000,000,000 on it! Boy Howdy! (I put the zeros there so folks could visualize, what 100b's looks like, all 'spelled out'.) Now, multiply that times, the approximately 70,000 people that went in thru, ch and mk. Hopefully your calculator has that many zeros. Now if I were a betting person, I'm willing to bet, we aren't receiving quite that much, and really think folks need to chill out on giant checks being handed out to folks.

Which brings me to something I'd been talking about for so long, I don't even talk about it anymore, it'll happen when it happens. It's the new global banking system and our personal connection to it. Things are obviously getting close because I'm starting to hear things out of people's mouths who used to never even entertain the idea. It's important to understand something about this that seems to keep getting confused in the rumor passing. The us treasury and the global banking system are 2 different things. This was engineered in europe, and the imf helped to create it. This is meant to provide overall stabilization in the banking and currency world, as the dollar devalues. This program is part of the bumper mechanism. We serve 2 effects, one, we carry euros down on to the streets in a world where the top is way too heavy, two, we bring more worth to the bank in which we access, which adds to the overall GDP of the country we're in. Given the time to let it work, watch how the eu countries stop arguing with each other over a piece of the rock.

This new banking system will go into effect in a whole bunch of countries, all the one's that signed on for it, a number of years ago. There's sectors to it, like the us sector for example. Now I don't know what that's going to look like here, what kind of interaction there is with regular banks of this country, or what the relationship with the us treasury, will be. That information in all it's details has not been given to me yet. Here's what I do know, until the laws in this country have been changed, I'm not experimenting. If things were going to be so hunky dory, why are all the rich folks taking their money out here? The biggest banks have diversified major holdings into other parts of the world, as in more outside, than inside, at least 60%. Our imitation of golem, of lord of the rings fame, cheney, has his assets, in the majority, outside of the us, too. I don't care what the folks in the rumormill come up with, if these folks are sending their money into europe and all points east, why wouldn't I do the same thing? They can tell me all about our booming economy, show me fantastic data on my tv screen, but if I am watching them doing opposite of what they are preaching, guess what...I'm following them, because actions speak louder than any amount of words. I've said in the past, if you want to protect your money, stay close to where they put theirs' and you'll be fine.

Give this link a read and perhaps some of this stuff will make sense;

As I know there's a whole lot of gold bullion being moved about right now, some countries even selling some. The question should always be, who's getting/buying it? Who could buy skids loads of gold and why if fiat money is just fine?

For us, things have begun,..after an old debt was paid. Not on the day it was suppose to, this time, but the next day. After a couple of days, they finally cracked open the dam to begin flooding the low lands, with much needed moisture. It remains 'ongoing' now. Upon reception, keep the above info, in the back of your mind, as you go out into the world and interact with money. It won't be long at all, until you see these 3 main trading bloc go into full activity, some think, as early as, when all the money has been distributed which includes the imf funds. From time to time, read up on it, and see how things are going. It may be very important for investment opportunities. China wants the yuan to be the currency in the asian bloc, we'll see, how that works out with japan. The euro is set. The american bloc may shift to calling it's money the amero...something else that's still be worked with behind the curtains.

I continue to do consultations, available by emailing this address. Needed donations are accepted thru account I end this newsletter with a call for 'good luck', this week. That everyone's wait be ended. Thank you all.

Love and Kisses,
