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ts and steal money time and time again. They were supposedly taken down six months ago. This is likely new, backup or replacement computers. The computers at the auditing firms have been accessed and every dime traced, blocked or retrieved. All roads don’t lead to Rome but rather to Bush and Clinton. Hillary is toast. Bribery, extortion, money laundering, outright theft all exposed. Uproar, turmoil, revolt and uprising are everywhere. FAX and phone lines are melting around the world. China, England, World Court, Supreme Court, Congress, Germany all now know what Superman has done and is doing. For openers he is seeing to it we receive our deliveries today. All has been "found out". Many high level politico's of both parties involved according to the records. Public exposure is pending; resignations probable. No more black eyes for bad guys, a spear to the heart this time.

Regarding the "sellers of information" who say "because I don’t know therefore it’s not true"?? We are all ignorant about everything until we learn something and then we are no longer ignorant about that thing. Those who extract money from others in return for information that belongs to everyone have a broken moral compass. Selling riddles disguised as knowledge is worse. News surrounding this historical once in a lifetime event is breaking hourly not monthly or weekly. News brought to you by Casper is not Casper's news. It comes from the principals involved in the fight and is released with their blessing.

For years we have fought the gluttonous rabid pig with a stick. Now we have a gun but he is not dead yet. Yes he is still capable of blocking deliveries with executive orders as he has done many times before. This is doubtful; we anticipate deliveries today, this day, a day that will change the world forever. Should evil reign for another day, do not despair. Superman is on the job.
