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Casper Report - September 6, 2007

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ement of packages toward us only to have them recalled in the middle of the night. In my opinion the war for control of the world between the status quo (Illuminati) and the new world of Treasury Banking and Constitutional law is not over. IMO (in my opinion) Our deliveries are hostage to negotiations and bargaining at the Asia Pacific Economic Summit in Australia which is formally the 7th ,8th and 9th of September but has actually been underway since Tuesday morning. The week after China (peoples republic) bought B.ofA. & W.F. private banking, Warren Buffet bought 8% of B.ofA. retail banking. The week after that the massive pre-planned trade of the offshore humanitarian money, scheduled Thur. through Sunday of that week, was blocked (stopped). This was to be the "everybody gets well" trade via the continued illegal use of OPM = i.e. other peoples money. The "big man" from Switzerland was in on it as was Brussels, GW, B.ofA. the Q., China, etc. etc.. and was designed to generate T's $ to be split among the playersThe next week our packages at the 100 banks were moved back to Charlotte from where they have moved out and been brought back several times. A huge conspiracy, obviously, involving even those "on our side". "Friends" from abroad have managed to force the packs out again and again only to have them flown around for awhile and returned, a cat and mouse game that has only intensified this week. Why would 100 "good" banks turn our packages over to the one really bad bank?? We don't know and have been unable to find out. One guess is that they were controlled by MI-6 and Interpol which sent them to Charlotte on orders of Q and others. MEANWHILE the financial calendar is full with the stability of the entire system at stake. After the meeting of the worlds central bankers in Jackson Hole last week, we now have the A/P conference in Australia with Russia, China, Japan, etc. etc. meeting days in advance behind closed doors. Congress returns from vacation and 9-11 approaches. Petraeus reports to congress the 10th and the 12th. The FOMC meets and makes announcements on the 18th while the 2nd circuit in D.C. hears constitutional arguments from "We The People" the same day. The bank change is still scheduled the 18th with those announcements the 19th. The 20th is "quadruple witching day" in the equity markets.The 21st is a new round of hedge fund redemptions. Then there are the commercial paper rollovers at risk. Don't confuse the current quietness with "solutions" as none of the previous financial problems have gone away. The planned changes are primarily financial and banking in nature so it seems natural there would be many last minute negotiations about banking and money. MEANWHILE B-52's "accidentally" take off with six nukes aboard. Who is kidding who here?? Eight Russian bombers approach England's air space and are confronted by British fighter planes. A planned terrorist event the equal of 9-11 is thwarted in Germany. Carrier personnel in the gulf say they are locked and loaded with 1200 Iranian targets assigned to pilots and hesitant naval officers relieved of command. (FOR MORE SEE #1 BELOW) Troops are moved to D.C. as previously reported and one D.C. rumor is they are there to protect the criminals from the people. Another report ( FOR MORE SEE #2 BELOW) says the National Guard is being trained in Ft. Campbell, Kentucky as we speak to man homeland security checkpoints throughout the U.S., six men per checkpoint with M-16's and a machine gun mounted on the roof of each checkpoint. China is caught hacking Pentagon computers after demonstrating their ability to take out satellites. Also, an actual AMERO COIN minted at the Denver mint and dated 2007 has been secreted to Hal Turner and can be viewed. Click on the following link. His "scoop", supported by several websites, foretells the intentional destruction of the U.S. economy with GW to the rescue with the Amero.

MEANWHILE the 3000++ arrests are still pending, the announcements are stacked up and pushed back when we fail to receive and "forward progress", or the illusion thereof, is maintained by the continuing distribution of i.o.u.'s on "napkins" sometimes referred to as voucher's.

Waiting in the wings are such things as the disclosure of "free energy devices" which patents have been purchased and shelved for decade's by the illuminated ones who own the oil companies not to mention all the lawsuits won against the gov't and the IRS and suppressed by the totally corrupt judicial system operating under maritime law. "May you live in exciting times" say the Chinese, at least that's what the fortune cookies say. Exciting and Dangerous, apparently. Those sitting in foreign places for a month with voucher's in hand have no money and cannot access in front of us.

NO ONE has access in front of us.

"Releases" occur, packages move, stoppage's occur. Excuse's are provided in quantity and are almost always completely false. It should have happened already. They are running out of time. Everybody, everywhere wants their money. "Friends" are bringing intense pressure. The bad guys plot and scheme how to preserve the status quo and maintain themselves in power.Their bullets (dollars) are blanks. Their "checkpoints" and worldwide threats go down with them. Otherwise it's world war, we are all dead and don't need any money. I am only half joking friends. Until now it's been a political and economic war. Suddenly everybody is showing off their cap-pistols and threatening to play Cowboys and Indians. It's above my pay grade. Try as I may I am unable to connect all the dots. There is something going on we cannot see and it is not the simpleton stories they put out each day. Why did China buy "the worst bank in history"? Why were the packs moved to Charlotte ?

Why would Brussels cooperate and orchestrate illegal trades? Why do they play "now you see them, now you don't" with the packs every day since Saturday? Who shot Sam? We fully expect deliveries at any time in spite of all the above. Hold on. It's coming. casper 9-06-07


#1 from above.


September 05, 2007

I have a friend who is an LSO on a carrier attack group that is planning and staging a strike group deployment into the Gulf of Hormuz. (LSO: Landing Signal Officer- she directs carrier aircraft while landing) She told me we are going to attack Iran. She said that all the Air Operation Planning and Asset Tasking are finished. That means that all the targets have been chosen, prioritized, and tasked to specific aircraft, bases, carriers, missile cruisers and so forth.

I asked her why she is telling me this.

Her answer was really amazing...

She started in the Marines and after 8 years her term was up. She had served on a smaller Marine carrier, and found out through a friend knew there was an opening for a junior grade LSO in a training position on a super-carrier. She used the reference and the information and applied for a transfer to the United States Navy. Since she had experience landing F-18Cs and Cobra Gunships, and an unblemished combat record, she was ratcheted into the job, successfully changing from the Marines to the Navy. Her role is still aligned with the Marines since she generally is assigned to liaison with the Marine units deploying off her carrier group.

Like most Marines and former Marines, she is largely apolitical. The fact is, most Marines are trigger pullers and most trigger pullers could care less who the President is. They simply want to be the tip of the sword when it comes to defending the country. She voted once in her life and otherwise was always in some forward post on the water during election season.

Something is wrong with the Navy and the Marines in her view. Always ready to go in harms way, Marines rarely ever question unless it's a matter of tactics or honor. But something seems awry. Junior and senior officers are starting to grumble, roll their eyes in the hallways. The strain of deployments is beginning to hit every jot and tittle of the Marines and it's beginning to seep into the daily conversation of Marines and Naval officers in command decision.

"I know this will sound crazy coming from a Naval officer", she said. "But we're all just waiting for this administration to end. Things that happen at the senior officer level seem more and more to happen outside of the purview of XOs and other officers who typically have a say-so in daily combat and flight operations. Today, orders just come down from the mountaintop and there's no questioning. In fact, there is no discussing it. I have seen more than one senior commander disappear and then three weeks later we find out that he has been replaced. That's really weird. It's also really weird because everyone who has disappeared has questioned whether or not we should be staging a massive attack on Iran."

"We're not stupid. Most of the members of the fleet read well enough to know what is going on world-wise. We also realize that anyone who has any doubts is in danger of having a long military career yanked out from under them. Keep in mind that most of the people I serve with are happy to be a part of the global war on terror. It's just that the touch points are what we see since we are the ones out here who are supposedly implementing this grand strategy. But when you liaison with administration officials who don't know that Iranians don't speak Arabic and have no idea what Iranians live like, then you start having second thoughts about whether these Administration officials are even competent."

I asked her about the attack, how limited and so forth.

"I don't think it's limited at all. We are shipping in and assigning every damn Tomahawk we have in inventory. I think this is going to be massive and sudden, like thousands of targets. I believe that no American will know when it happens until after it happens. And the consequences ... whatever the consequences ... they will have to be lived with. I am sure if my father knew I was telling someone in a news organization that we were about to launch a supposedly secret attack that it would be treason. But something inside me tells me to tell it anyway."

I asked her why she was suddenly so cynical.

"I have become cynical only recently. I also don't believe anyone will be able to stop this. Bush has become something of an Emperor. He will give the command, and cruise missiles will fly and aircraft will fly and people will die, and yet few of us here are really able to cobble together a great explanation of why this is a good idea. Of course many of us can give you the 4H Club lecture on democracy in the Mid East. But if you asked any of the flight officers whether they have a clear idea of what the goal of this strike is, your answer would sound like something out of a think tank policy paper. But it's not like Kosovo or when we relieved the tsunami victims. There everyone could tell you in a sentence what we were here doing."

"That's what's missing. A real sense of purpose. What's missing is the answer to what the hell are we doing out here threatening this country with all this power? Last night in the galley, an ensign asked what right do we have to tell a sovereign nation that they can't build a nuke. I mean the table got EF Hutton quiet. Not so much because the man was asking a question that was off culture. But that he was asking a good question. In fact, the discussion actually followed afterwards topside where someone in our group had to smoke a cigarette. The discussion was intelligent but also in lowered voices. It's like we aren't allowed to ask the questions that we always ask before combat. It's almost as if the average seaman or soldier is doing all the policy work."

She had to hang up. She left by telling me that she believes the attack is a done deal. "It's only a matter of time before their orders come and they will be sent to station and told to go to Red Alert. She said they were already practicing traps, FARP and FAST." (Trapping is the act of catching the tension wires when landing on the carrier, FARP is Fleet Air Combat Maneuvering Readiness Program- practice dog-fighting- and FAST is Fleet Air Superiority Training).

She seemed lost. The first time in my life I have ever heard her sound off-rhythm, or unsure of why she is doing something. She knows that there is something rotten in the Naval Command and she, like many of her associates are just hoping that the election brings in someone new, some new situation, or something.

"Yes. We're gong to hit Iran, big time. Whatever political discussions that are going on is window dressing and perhaps even a red herring. I see what's going on below deck here in the hangars and weapons bays. And I have a sick feeling about how it's all going to turn out."



Will the U.S. Attack Iran Before September 21? - Are CIA Front Companies Investing $4.5 Billion to Profit from attacking Iran?

By Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

There has been much recent speculation that the Bush administration is about to authorize a massive preemptive aerial assault against Iran. According to Alexis Debat, a national security expert, the Pentagon has prepared for airstrikes against 1,200 targets in Iran that would in three days destroy Iran's military infrastructure ( ). Such an assault has been long in preparation and was recently fully completed according to a Navy whistleblower currently serving on a U.S. aircraft carrier. The whistleblower, a female officer, said that "all the targets have been chosen, prioritized, and tasked to specific aircraft, bases, carriers, missile cruisers and so forth" (see: ). Asked why she would risk her career to disclose such sensitive information, she replied that most Naval officers are opposed to the strike but are ignored by more senior officials and the Bush administration.

What gives these reports of an imminent attack against Iran greater credibility is an August 2007 purchases of almost 4.5 billion dollars in particular type of stock called 'put options' and 'call options' which are based on a dramatic shift in the U.S. stock market (see: ). Essentially, a "put option" is where an investor speculates that the market will drop dramatically, say 30-50%, whereas a "call option" is where the investor bets particular stocks will rise just as dramatically. If the stock fails to dramatically shift either up or down by September 21, then the investors stand to lose much from their investment. Such an investment is very unusual and has many market analysts puzzled as to why someone would risk such a large sum unless they had some insider information.

A similar stock market event happened in the weeks before 911 when anonymous investors made great profits when they successfully 'predicted' a dramatic drop in airline and insurances stocks, while also 'predicting' dramatic increases in stocks of corporations producing military armaments (see: ). The investments were so suspicious that they became subject to an insider trading investigation by U.S. Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) but the no one was ever identified or charged. This was despite a determined effort by the SEC to find who was behind the mysterious investments.

The parallels with 'put" and "call option" purchases just before 911 has led to much speculation that the recent $4.5 billion investment is based on insider knowledge of another 911 event before September 21. This has led to speculation that a catastrophic event is about to occur in the U.S. Another explanation for a dramatic shift in the stock market is that China will desert the US currency leading to a collapse in the US dollar. Both explanations would essentially lead to a collapse in some U.S. stocks, while other stocks would rise.

A more plausible explanation for the mysterious billion dollar investments is that hidden investors have insider knowledge that an attack against Iran will occur before September 21. If an attack occurred along the scale described by emerging reports, then the U.S. stock market would collapse as oil prices escalated dramatically. This would spark a global recession, and cause great hardship to many Americans who would find their investments and jobs at risk.

It is very likely that the planned massive aerial attack against Iran's military infrastructure and underground nuclear facilities will use bunker busting nuclear weapons. The question is, what can be done to prevent a preemptive military attack on Iran that may use tactical nuclear weapons to destroy its nuclear facilities?

In 2006, a similar effort to stage a preemptive nuclear strike against Iran was prevented by a revolt of the generals. According to Seymour Hersh:

"In late April, the military leadership, headed by General Pace, achieved a major victory when the White House dropped its insistence that the plan for a bombing campaign include the possible use of a nuclear device to destroy Iran's uranium-enrichment plant at Natanz, nearly two hundred miles south of Tehran. . "Bush and Cheney were dead serious about the nuclear planning," the former senior intelligence official told me. "And Pace stood up to them. Then the world came back: 'O.K., the nuclear option is politically unacceptable.' " .

It may be significant that General Peter Pace was not reappointed as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Pace was opposed to a nuclear strike against Iran. Was he not reappointed in order to clear the decks for a more permissive environment within the Joint Chiefs of Staff for an attack that could use tactical nuclear weapons? It appears so given the coincidence of reports of an imminent attack and purchase of $4.5 billion in stock options predicting a collapse in the US stock market.

The current military plans available to the public mention only conventional munitions but it is more likely that some tactical nuclear weapons will be used to take out Iran's deeply buried nuclear facilities. The effect of tactical nuclear weapons to destroy Iran's nuclear facilities would be devastating. Radioactive contamination would disperse widely affecting the health of many. At the same time, Iran's military and much of its civilian infrastructure would be destroyed by conventional munitions. This would restrict Iran's abilities to cope with the health and humanitarian impact of the use of nuclear weapons, and destruction of nuclear facilities.

The question to be asked is "who are the hidden investors with insider knowledge that can gain them billions in short term profits?" This answer will give an important clue to the long term agenda being played out, and the actors involved. In the case of 911, similar investors were able to evade detection from an official investigation by the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission (SEC). The SEC launched an unprecedented investigation that deputized "hundreds, if not thousands, of key players in the private sector" (see: ). According to a former Los Angeles Police Officer, Michael Ruppert, what effectively happens when individuals are deputized is that they are sworn to secrecy on national security grounds. This was a very effective way of keeping secret what was discovered in the SEC investigation. What kind of investor would have the power to subvert an SEC investigation in this manner? The most likely answer is the CIA.

CIA front companies annually supply funds for a black budget used to fund covert national security projects . The black budget has been estimated to range between 1.0 to 1.7 trillion dollars annually which is funneled through the CIA to various military-corporate entities fulfilling such projects (see: ). The massive size of the black budget is needed to fund a second Manhattan Project - projects related to technologies so advanced that many claim them to be extraterrestrial in origin. Credible whistleblowers have come forward to claim the existence of such technologies and of a high level government cover up of extraterrestrial life (see: ). They claim that most Congressional officials are not briefed on extraterrestrial related projects due to national security concerns. Consequently, Congress is not aware of or permit appropriations for a second Manhattan Project, funds therefore need to be generated in alternative ways.

The CIA is able to perform this function of secretly raising revenue through the 1949 CIA Act which authorizes the CIA to expend funds "without regard to any provisions of law". The CIA therefore does not have to follow any legal requirements for the funds it procures from various sources, and funnels to military-corporate entities directly responsible for the second Manhattan project.

There needs to be public opposition to a preemptive military attack against Iran, and exposure of the underlying agenda behind it and those intending to profit from it. An informed public is the best safeguard against unwarranted abuses of executive power such as a preemptive attack against Iran that does not have the support of the American people or Congress. In addition to raising public awareness, it will be very helpful for individuals to project thoughts of peace and goodwill to the Middle East, and especially to Iran. The Princeton Project on Global Conscious Project at Princeton University has demonstrated the effect of large numbers of people placing their attention in ways that can impact on global events (see: ). If millions of people could project a positive vision of peace and harmony to Iran and U.S. military forces in the region, then such a preemptive attack may be prevented.

The period leading up to September 21 will be critical for the whole planet as the signs are all too evident that a preemptive attack against Iran, almost certainly involving nuclear weapons, is imminent. The humanitarian cost in terms of possible radioactive fallout, and casualties from the destruction of Iran's military and much of its civilian infrastructure may be catastrophic for the Persian Gulf region. Furthermore, the U.S. and global economy will go into a deep free fall in the event of dramatic increases in oil prices and further instability in the Middle East. Out of this looming tragedy, investors with possible CIA connections and insider knowledge, plan to profit in ways that may be used to secretly fund a second Manhattan Project.

Michael E. Salla, Ph.D

Kona, Hawaii



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