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Poof Sunday Night Message Jan. 7, 2007

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at this time of the year, nor should I be seeing 4 inches of stem coming up from a flowering bulb. What's up with the japanese cherry trees in DC flowering right now?? Where's the snow for Sweden and Finland? What is it that usually dies in the freeze of the winter that won't this time and maybe grow bigger as they crawl out ofwhatever hidey place they've tellin'. So much is just so surreal.

No more surreal though, than the 'reinvention' of modern banking going on behind the scenes. Since our thanksgiving time, a behind the scenes battle has been going on, and a not gentlemen's type either. It's been vicious with a lot of snarling and spit flying in the air. You'd be amazed to see people in 5 and 10 thousand dollar suits behaving in such a fashion. Jeeze, and we're suppose to be the 'unwashed'? Well, you get see how civilized people really are when money and power are involved. I know most can't catch any of this going on right now but you just wait til they are finished dumping the rest of all this money, watch how it spills out onto the 'streets' then. Many will be spellbound, for a moment, in disbelief. This is that 'thing' happening, I've been mush mouthing about since 99.

We are all disappointed to still be waiting..(except those that aren't anymore). Yet, like a festering sore in the flesh of a giant, we remain until the salve of delivery is applied. Not just this, there's also the massive funds from old frozen accounts dating from the early part of the last century that Have to be distributed, all liquid now and waiting. Different than the 'air money' generated during the last 60 years, we're into historical hard goods. Many out here have mentioned that there's not enough money in the world for all this to exist. It's bookeeping, plain and simple. What's going on right now is the clearing of those books. Every last bit of stuff from the 20th century that's been laying here or there, just sitting, doing nothing but existing in the ledger books somewhere, to be dealt with, at 'some' point.

We have arrived at that point in time where all this old business has to be cleared. I need not repeat the fact that the federal reserve bank is actually an oxymoron, as it is none of the words it's called. It is important though, to note that's private ownership needs to be brought up and what that means now. Since it's more like a corporation and has it's shareholders, it wou ld be important to know who the majority shareholders are and what decisions they are currently making. What kind of shifts in the shares have taken place since 1913 and who now has the controlling power? If the controlling shares of the company decided they were going to dissolve the company, what would that mean to the us, to you, to me? Never think for an instant, that can't happen, you'd be wrong. Private corporations persue more wealth and have no problem taking care of their own interests, when it serves them. It's how they do it that surprises people. This is just another part of the vast iceberg floating out here being dealt with. I can tell you tho, the main shareholder has already themselves perfectly clear during this mudslinging going on, and 'we've' been a corner stone of that conversation.

My information is this; we are being completed and will be completed without further hindrance or misbehavior and if I'm hearing corre ctly, the much anticipated downpour will now happen, ending this chinese water torture of 20+ years. No more 'smidgens'. I say this with my normal advisory, go and access, get your personal business in order, then go sit down somewhere and relax before getting into any investment schemes. Let the big boys kick the crap out of each other and when the dust settles, study the landscape, then make your moves. This is 1929 on steroids so don't be thinking like you're in La La land. This will be remembered as the time of "Mean"...mean folks all over the place looking to survive, so don't be waving your arms all over the place and getting noticed. Make no big expenditures without proper corporate cover....asset protection.

I have continued to do consultations with people and bringing them up to speed on handling access and protection, right now, as the world truly exists. Those consultations cease immediately upon my signature on a n on disclosure. I will become immediately unavailable for futher discussion on the matter. Personally, I don't ever want to talk about it again! It's been like watching a bunch of self centered children fighting for position in a sand lot where there's really no lack of plenty of sand for all of them. They all need hit with a water hose! On certain subject matters, I just don't play. I got kicked out of kindergarten because I wouldn't play...heeheehee

I wish to thank everyone for the gifts and the emotional support, during this time. Stay loose and be ready to make your moves, by all accounts, Lafayette, we are here...fini. Consultations and donations are handled thru either account or by emailing this address for the land address. Be safe and aware, and may no further communcation be necessary. Cheers!

"Love and Kisses',
