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Update From Casper the Ghost

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in black", Carlyle and D.C. politicians dickered and divided OPM (Other People’s Money) behind closed doors last Wednesday and Thursday, the 12 dozen attorneys representing the people’s interests flew to The Hague to try to stop the greatest heist in American History. "Stabbed in the back" was the common refrain upon their return Sunday, exhausted, shocked and awed, betrayed by the Queen of England and Ms. Merkle (German Chancellor), trustees.

All appeared lost UNTIL the International Monetary Fund (IMF) nations said NO, HELL NO!! "We will not allow this theft. This is the people’s money. You had no right to trade it in the first place! You WILL NOT use their funds to pay Carlyle or to recapitalize the Federal Reserve. The money is in OUR countries and we will not give it to you. Deliveries will go forward as scheduled and this astonishing corruption must stop!" This was followed by a "runner" across the bottom of FOX news Sunday Morning, "Wolfowitz (Head of World Bank) says D.C. CORRUPTION must be stopped".

The "PIG" we are dealing with is not a little cutie with a curly pink tail. It is a voracious beast, eating as much of our corn (money) as possible, intending to drag away anything remaining. It is gluttonous, it is ravenous, it is rabid and it is wounded. What will it do now? We know its history of stopping our deliveries. Our friends say that they will stay and see to it that deliveries occur as scheduled and as of this morning. "Not one dime of the people’s money will be paid to Carlyle or used for a refurbished smoke and mirrors Federal Reserve Bank/Treasury."

There are hundreds of attorneys up there right now defending us (you and me), the U.S. Constitution and the new worldwide treasury banking system of which these nations are a part. What an incredible thing it is to find them as our friends while our own government and Courts join with The Carlyle Group to loot the programs and continue their unconstitutional CORPORATE government which uses the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) and the IRS to control our country’s people and economy for the benefit of themselves and their private sector allies. When our friends "up there" decided last week to "GO PUBLIC" with ever increasing details of the behind the scenes CO-RUP-TION in D.C., little did they realize that the information would find its way around the world in a matter of hours.

Seventeen (17) countries, the IMF and the White House are now discussing it and wondering "what’s next?". We needed a miracle this weekend and we got one, in no small part because of the release of this information. As matters stand now the IRS will be re-worked so as to be constitutional, The Federal Reserve Bank as we have known it will be gone, we finally get paid our money and the "bad guys’" dirty laundry is out there for the entire world to see. They now see it and they say it is ASTONISHING!! Meetings continue as we write this, all is subject to the final outcome of the meetings, but we are not expecting any further changes. Remember to give thanks for this outcome. Good has blackened evil’s eye and those not in these programs and not subject to non-disclosures will soon carry the "torch" into the darkest corners of D.C. (books, etc.)