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Poof Report - August 26, 2007

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t it wouldn't be nothing, nothing without a woman or a girl

Man thinks about a little baby girls and a baby boys Man makes them happy 'cause man makes them toys And after man has made everything, everything he can You know that man makes money to buy from another man

This is a man's world But it wouldn't be nothing, nothing without a woman or a girl

He's lost in the wilderness He's lost in bitterness

Greetings and Salutations,

Yea, I know....'where's my money, man?' The best news is it's coming right now and some folks have already received during this last foray into completion. Now, you have to know nothing happens in a vacuum, so as the distribution center is trying to get things done, stuff happens. Fear of loss makes very intelligent people do stupid things, when they see what appears to them as no other choice. In this case, 'transparency' in banking makes such things, readily visible and unable to hide. So another desparate banker tried to recoup personal losses on our backs, which shut down operations for a few hours, while that little mess was cleaned up. That's the way it works folks, you can't let that sort of thing go on and not check thoroughly to make sure there's nothing else missing before you continue.

As I have told you all in the past, this world would be flipped on it's economic head when this is all finished, which includes those imf guys sitting like vultures on limbs right behind us. The bankers know it's a brand new world happening here and depending on where they have placed their trust, they will win or lose under this operation. The biggest problem, so many of them have is, the idea that the dollar won't be running the world anymore, so almost in desparate fashion they keep printing more and papering everything with it they can, like somehow the inevitable will just go away. Air added to air is just more air. The ridiculous part about this is, ever since the Bretton Woods Act was done, it was known something else had to done when it ran out to keep the world economy stable. Nixon just pulled the gold out from behind the dollar and we went full blown fiat, which wasn't the idea intended in the late 40's. Since then we've been running strictly on 'reputation', so what happens when your 'rep' is shot?...uh oh time to start tapdancing and blustering.

Different from what you hear on the daily blah, bloomberg in the wee hours of the night, as well as, market watch, give an entirely different context to what's happening in the world. No big happy stories out there about the fed dumping money into the same banks who messed up in the first place as anything that remotely saves the world. D-Day is here so whatever it's worth to you, that puts the completion of this program at your doorstep. Then you'll also find out about a whole other set of books that will be put online, tied to the original treasury that's been in mothballs since 1913. Here's a link, it lasts a little over an hour but do listen to what the man has to say. He's got some very important facts in his message, things to give you pause for consideration.

Critical mass approaches without fail and as foretold. Europe nor anyone else wants to go down the dark hole of depression, so the pressure is staggering out here from all the nations to get the whole money shift overwith, as it's going to be rough enough, surviving this mess. Hang in there and don't buy the 'abandon all hope' scenario that so many are buying into. I never promised anyone we'd be dancing in the streets when this was finally overwith, instead I have reminded everyone, this is the time we'll need everybit of common sense our momma's and daddy's taught us...especially those who went thru '29.

I'll be calling you folks that just ask for consultations, as soon as, I can. Anyone else in need, email this address and we'll put it together. Donations are needed and accepted until the end. Please use, account

Love and Kisses,
