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UPdate from Casper January 12, 2007


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the U.S. GOVT.. Nevertheless a message is being delivered to him to mind his own sandbox.

The "blockages" have continued this week with packages moving to and fro several times. Some deliveries have occurred over the past 3 weeks in addition to the daily West Coast deliveries to those who can’t access and to "company" (bank) personnel. Most deliveries are a letter only, with phone numbers delivered by a national carrier. Recipients go to bank and obtain cards immediately. At that point they go silent.

Current news says TREASURY BANKS and announcements thereof this weekend, with announcements on or before Monday night. Also hearing deliveries as early as tonight, but be aware that a very small cadre believes in announcements Monday night and deliveries (big drop) Tuesday. Black and blue continue to grow exponentially.

WANTA funds are unrelated to our funds !!!!!!!!

There may be and indirect relation along the lines of semi-simultaneous funding, clearing of books or payouts under NEW banking system but we are not intertwined or dependent upon him in any way.

We cant explain the "trickle" but and educated guess is that each bank is handling a couple of customers now in order to be sure they know what they are doing when the stampede arrives.

MR STORY has been working on the WANTA mess less than a year and our stuff less than a week. He published COTTRELL'S phone number and a few of "us" called, MR C. passed "your" remarks along to STORY which made him and instant expert???? No, no, no! His information about WANTA and WASHINGTON is very important. His information about us is inaccurate and useless.

Whatever "cover" stories are put out by whoever, be glad. The idea is to fly under the radar and "O is a scam" is great cover for we recipients. We continue to hear the indictments and arrests and resignations will be made public next week. We continue to hear about the return to Constitutional instead of "corporate" gov’t. and appropriate announcements as early as next week.

We are ALL tired, frustrated and angry. what the wholly corrupt politicians have done is nothing short of GENOCIDE against their own citizenry. Even now they are trying to block deliveries in violation of World Court orders. They don’t want us to have this money and will do all possible to get it back after we receive. Get professional help protecting your assets.