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NESARA PATRIOT NESARA News, Comment and Inspiration

NESARA News, Comment and Inspiration

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Dear Friends and NESARA supporters,

In light of the information given by Patrick Bellringer on 4-15-2006 concerning the current status of NESARA and the prosperity funds, I feel compelled to send out the following petition. We Lightworkers here on planet Earth do hereby petition and authorize any and all Divine sources to interceed in the NESARA mission. The people of this planet have chosen PEACE. Whether it be 3D, 4D, 5D or above, we call on all Light sources to immediately remove any dark influences that hinder the Divinely Decreed NESARA mission and it's provisions. We will not let a few dark souls that refuse to turn to Light to hold the 6 billion + souls of this planet captive any longer. It is therefore ordered that this time in history be closed to make way for The Golden Age of Enlightenment and all it's glorious benefits. We invoke the very mighty I AM Presence in all Lightworkers as a sword of truth and shield of protection as we blaze a path for all people of the human race to follow. We will not be denied our birthrights and destiny. It is therefore decreed that all sources of positive energy in this universe be utilized and sanctioned at this time to complete the NESARA mission. May the very breath of our Creator stand and invoke the will of the people at this time. The will of the people is for NESARA to COME FORTH !!

In order to show those in the etheric realms that you agree and add your positive energy to this petition, it is asked that you send a response back to the person that sent this to you, simply by saying "AGREE". It is also asked that you forward this on to others that they may add their positive energy to it as well. May the positive energy of this universe summon NESARA NOW !!

Jim Nash

NESARA Patriot