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Poof Report -- April 1, 2007

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since grandma hermann bought cnn, it'll be sure to hit the tv's. I just ask that they do it quickly because, I really like 'Amazing Race' and I don't want to miss it. Some of you know me well enough to know, I watch the markets very closely. It gives me an advance look at the trends and tells me how the big boys are trying to protect themselves, in view of the present global economic situation. If anyone were to buy CNN, it would be all over bloomberg and market watch, it can't happen in a vacuum. You think Ted Turner would be silent? He certainly wasn't when aol bought time warner. CNN is his baby. I checked time warner's news page, no mention of a deal to dump a most lucrative news service, rather a mention of a deal done on the 29th, when they moved into the hungarian market for providing internet and other communication services....which was on that little ticker thing across the bottem of cnn's screen when the deal was done. I'll tell you something else that was reported on bloomberg. BoA's market share just dropped under a Chinese bank's. Citigroup is running around like a chicken with it's head cut off, trying to make a deal, somewhere, anywhere.(the french banks can't stand them) Trying to get in, where they'll fit in. Barclay Bank's currently in negotiations with ABN in the Netherlands to buy it. Many of the rest of the huge operations out here are, sitting on their cash...they are watching china, the dollar 'problem', and what the us does in the ME. Don't you think it's very interesting that the 'scuttlebutt' is, the US is going to bomb iran next weekend, and there's a conflict over approbiating the money junior wants in the time he wants it...especially since the military doesn't need it right away? Does anyone remember when they were going to start bombing iran a while back? Didn't happen, did it? Now, I'm not about to let anyone steal my thunder out here. I spoke of the families behind this operation long before anyone thought those families meant a thing in the modern world. The Rothschilds are the enforcement wing of the changes extant in the financial world, not the orginal 'deciders'. The 'deciders' don't have their names in forbes magazine and for the most part we'd have a difficult time pronouncing many of their names, 'cause if it ain't 'merican, mus' be some chini stuff'. Whether we like it or not, some folks are running things between the rows of a vineyard, just like a very important decision was made on a 'nice boat' off the coast of spain in the med. The rustling of leaves, or the ocean's water sure makes listening in very difficult. I have tried to impart to all of you, the world we see around us is a 'creation'. Politics hasn't a thing to do with what happens out here, that is strictly to keep you focussed on everything but the facts. Remember what Amschel Rothschild said back in the 1700's, I care not what a country's politics are, as long as I control the money...or something very close to that. You don't think these folks have just been sitting around sipping on muton cadet(a very good french wine) all this time do you? The movement of these funds into your hands has nothing to do with anyone being 'nice guys', it is simply complience with the will of the foundation and it's attending trusts. With reception, comes responsibilty, even tho no one is dictating what you do with your portion, you need to act like something huge changed in your life, which requires a moment to move thru the gyrus(that's those little folds in the brain). What I've been watching happen with all these little weird messages sent out by who know's who, is a preoccupation to make you think you're being 'saved'. The 'bad guys' are being defeated and all you have to do is, stand to the side, and your red carpet will be laid before you, as you receive, and 'all is well'. Ladies and gentleman, this is war, and the war hasn't even hit the nasty part yet. That part kicks in, 'after' all this money is liquid in people's hands, imf funds included. These guys ain't goin' nowhere until they have been pounded down thru the concrete! That's why I've told you, chill out for about 3 months, before trying to do anything investment wise, unless you are buying metal. No matter what you hear, it's going to take 3-5 years to clean up this mess created over the last number of years in the us system...and it's Not going to be 'as if by magic'. It's going to take hard decisions and hard change by the people of this land. Read the Constitution, read the Iroquois Confederation, the Magna Carta, and the Code of Hammarubi, and you'll see where this country has to get back to, before it gets straight. Who can argue? Who can excuse themselves from the wisdom of the ages? That's why I'm not in politics and turned down every offer. You can't compromise Truth, unless at your own peril. Nature will kick you tail! The glaciers are still melting whatever you want to call it!...and Sanjaya cannot sing well enough to be the next american idol..the boy got no 'bottem' matter what the little chicky poos send thru their cell phones. I'd quit the show too! I'd have been the person who said, 'take the sister, she's better'. Ok if you haven't watched the show, you haven't a clue what I'm talking about. It's really just a commentary on how decisions are being made out here...strictly emotional. There remains an ideology that that which is american based is 'good to go' anywhere around the world. BoA is american, and they are finding out the world just don't quite roll that way. I hope you know that to operate in any country, you have to be compliant, operating under their existing laws. When us banks go international, they have to deal with licensing where ever they go. It's not some kind of natural extension of us law. The world doesn't work like that. In an instant, a us bank can be cut off and refused operational abililty in any country that's having a 'problem' with that bank operating in their country. So don't think for a second, the contract bank can play as long as it chooses. There's pain out here in the big waters for trying to disregard proper navigation. We're in that 'pain zone'. As many of you know, chaos would be the daily word, as you receive your ticket to freedom. Many of you, don't even pay attention to the rumormill, and I give you high fives, for your commonsense. It's simple and remains so. That's why some writers to this mailbox get no response from me. I'm not a 'player' don't care about the daily 'blah'. I have nothing to defend. It's all simple, access in a foreign country using euros, and you have nothing to concern yourself with, unless you're attempting to bring funds in to 'these united states' and all those I've spoken to know how to make that 'all good'. Personally, I know there's a bunch of chickens out here, so they are willing to compromise their better sense than go where their roots are! I know the difference between 'infirm' and being afraid. I'm still amazed, this country is a little over 200 years old, and everyone acts like europeans are aliens from planet 9. What, you think you spawned out of a rock somewhere? The only folks who have a legit worry about europe or anywhere else are the native americans. The rest of you are full of it!...even Sitting Bull 'tatanka watanka' went to england for the wild west show, 'fer Gawd sake', bock....bock bock bock pekka pekka bock bock bockYes, I've even fed chickens first thing in the morning...pigs too. Herrrre piggy piggy piggy. Did emu's too! We've had our problems thru the years but the one thing I've reminded you is that, no matter what the game being played, we'd win. Some of your brothers and sisters are already 'out here'. You who know, know. Those who haven't gotta smidgen think deliveries haven't even started, therefore these constant messages of some great 'whatever' before deliveries happen. Naw, this about crushing a bank's behavior, so they dump and quit the ridiculous water torture because they messed around and signed a contract, then they got scared of fulfilling, because of all that it meant. How many times have I told you, fear lays deep behind all actions taking place out here? Fear of the future. The future is here and that's just tough noogies. Bankers are people, why would you think they don't have the same fears as everyone else? A 1,000 dollar suit changes nothing. They can lose control of their bodily functions like anyone else, toiling out in a field somewhere. I'm watching for one of junior's blue suits to get brown stains in the back, for the same reasons, fear. I hope you've read between the lines of this newsletter and understand, we remain at the doorway to freedom, and for all of the semantics, it comes down to who has hard assets and worth, and who doesn't. BTW, Iran's main oil merchant is royal dutch shell, a rothchild company, they who took over after standard oil left at the time of the revolution. The us can put all the big ships in the persian gulf they want, they cross that line, and dip into the profits of the rothschilds, I wouldn't want to get any of the explosion off of that, on me. We'll see how tough the neo cons really are. Let's see, they engineered the Napolionic wars, funded the end of them in Belgium, with the english house funding wellington, the russian revolution, ww1 and 2, the placement of the fed res bank in this country,..and bush and co think they can defeat them. All I can tell you is, you're getting your money. Forget 'Law', this is about who has, and who doesn't. I told you this comes down to the game of 'Risk', and anyone who's played the game knows, don't try to hold the middle east. You will lose the game. Same thing, not following the principles of the 'art of war'. I don't know why 30% of americans still cling to these yo yo's as some sort of path into the future...since there's nothing but a wall in front of that path. The europeans and the chinese are in lockstep about how the rest of this game is played before you get all patriotic...who's got the money? Answer that question, like you know something. The euro is sitting at 1.33 and destined to continue it's rise against the tell me. Money talks, BS walks, basic street knowlege. It doesn't care if you're a democrat, a republican, or an doesn't even care about border security. They don't even care if you're smokin' weed. That's strictly 'local interest' material, stuff to keep you tripping on things that don't amount to a hill of beans in the big picture. Europe is currently 'decriminalizing' as you are sent out trying to bag 'snipe', like it means something. C'mon, didn't your friends ever set you up for a snipe hunt? got your bag? The contract bank for our delivery is 'surrounded'. Increase of delivery amounts per day is on the table. Their butts are firmly on the line and nobody in dc can save them. They signed an international contract therefore, they have no solace in their american roots. Junior and cheney, have enough problems of their own...oh my god, a split with the house of Saud. No way they can spin out of the displeasure of King, I can just see old man bush wanting to just 'beat that boy' for nearly 40 years of good family relationship being screwed up because he thought he could outdo the old man. Shoulda been handing out daily whuppins way back when sir. It's too late engineered his stupid butt into the white house. I thought wisdom came with age. OH Well! Here we go! Just remember what I've told you and you'll have no problems. KISS= keep it simple stupid. Some of us DO know what's in that packy, which is why some of us are blowing off all that insane millions and billions stuff on a debit cards....and Not accessing in the us...we ain't holding our breath waiting for treasury banks or nesara to be announced. We're going to grab our packies and split like we just lost a bad habit. Have fun arguing about who's right, as I sit on the med and enjoy the gifts afforded me. Consultations are being handled until the last moment. Donations are needed and appreciated at account Land address available upon request.Love and Kisses,"Poofness"