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Casper Report - February 21, 2007

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ar and the U.S. economy if deliveries not made this week.

The "deal" is Sr. and The Crown return stolen funds, Jr. serves out his term under constitutional law, Homeland Security and Patriot Act go down, no more interference with deliveries and leave recipients alone. Announce constitutional law 3/1/07, and Federal Reserve Bank down, IRS to follow.

Regarding funding and access, my info says ALL money offshore, accessed via debit cards. no real need to "go over", no rules against going if you so desire. our security has been a major part of the "dealing" for a long time and we remain convinced there will be no attempt to "trick" recipients. cleaning and clearing the banks has been part of the delay and new banking laws with attendent transparency precludes "tricks". This info about funding and access is my OPINION and that of my sources and should not be considered as factual. we see only the tip of the iceberg and arrive at opinions based upon what we see and what we think we know. so, our opinion and $1.65 will buy you etc. etc ..

The third "new" World Court has been seated, is still here in the U.S. and is very secretive. Rumor says they may be giving immunity to all bad guys in exchange for constitutional law, return of stolen funds, non-interference, etc., which on the face of it would be a disaster leaving a couple dozen fox's in charge of the hen house, but we are not at the table. Who knows what considerations they are forced to contend with.

So, bottom line, deliveries and access this week-OR ELSE.

Casper 2-21-07

p.s. Another soldier needs our prayers. Ken Gown's had a heart attack yesterday.