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Casper Update: July 6, 2007


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s worldwide were aware of deliveries scheduled that day. They were blocked by John Roberts acting on behalf of GW/Cheney/Paulson. Interpol/military/Chinese are trying to force it out. The World Court vacillates from side to side sometimes blocking sometimes pushing.

What goes on behind the scenes is fascinating and often incomprehensible. Hopefully someone is taking notes and will write a best seller which will at least be the equal of THE CREATURE FROM JECKLE ISLAND. They have been paying "the bad guys" on the computer lately, no access till we receive. it started with Bush Sr. and BARBARA, progressed to Hutchison, Hatch, Gramm and the Bentson estate, continued with the Peapicker, C.T., David and the French trustee receiving additional downloads, continued with Putin and Laura, then the "worker bee's" receiving vouchers. Two weeks ago news more devastating than the "suitcase" hit the streets in D.C., a DVD now known as "The Sex Tape". Copies were sent around the world and delivered to the judges in D.C. turns out there is a "ranch" outside D.C. where all manner of perversion took place. Some 1500 politicians, cabinet secretary's, Supreme Court Justices, etc. were regular visitors. One world leader having seen the DVD commented "I have seen a lot of things in my lifetime but nothing like this. Not even animals are this depraved." This ladies and gentlemen is the government we elected. One adult female and two children (one impregnated) escaped and their testimony has been filmed. There were 1500 arrest warrants 6 weeks ago. It went to 1757, then 3000, then 3150 and now Christopher Story says 3500. What will happen to this and them? I don't know. Will it all be swept under the rug? Will we try to start anew (constitution) with Satan and his brothers, sisters and children still running the country? I don't know. I am reliably informed that the "return to the Constitution" papers were signed Tuesday, in red ink no less.

This was/is supposed to result in deliveries today (late) and announcements tonight (some say) or Sunday night (some say). Already this morning the package "tug of war" has again commenced after they were moved into position yesterday for delivery today. Many B of A banks have our accounts open, funded and ready for our arrival, the very banks we have been warned to stay away from. The Credit Suisse banks are supposed to be up and running now. What to do??? "Don't deposit the checks" originates from treasury and may be a scare tactic but why chance it? Await the announcements, read the instructions, don't be anxious to be the first in line, use the cards till the fog clears. Another card containing large but unspecified "interest" has been added to the packs. Put nothing past these criminals masquerading as a legitimate government. Not domestic terrorism, not bombing Iran, not blowing up the entire world monetary system, nothing! They are puppets of higher powers fighting for control of the world and murder is their signature. We are cannon fodder. Our packages are pawns held hostage.

World bankers say Leo Wanta got paid. Not $4.6T or $27.5T, but the whole enchilada, a very, very big number. I can't imagine Christopher Story not knowing this unless Wanta signed a massive Non-disclosure Agreement. Many, many sources say he got paid. So much going on: Peter Pace says "I did not go willingly". IMF leader gone, WORLD BANK leader gone, BANK OF ENGLAND people gone, Greenspan in jail. As I have said before, the "Beltway" is a giant toilet seat and the senate is a whorehouse. You know who works in whorehouses don't you? The only difference between Senators is the names of their Johns (special interest). The toilet must be flushed if we are to ever "get our country back". All citizens should come to an agreement to "throw the bums out", all of them. No arguments about babies and bath water. A "clean sweep-down fore and aft". Sweepers man your brooms.

Well, so much for my morning tirade.

There must be some very serious power on our side otherwise this would have died long ago. If they are giving us our constitution back along with a treasury owned (not private) central banking system they are benevolent benefactors in my book. What a shame and what a blessing it is that "outside" forces appear to be responsible for what is happening. Let's hope that truth wins out and we really do get a clean start and that we accept our share of the responsibility for allowing our country to be stolen in the first place.

Casper 6-6-07


P.S. if you should hear the statements this a.m. by junior that he will have arrested by Homeland Security anyone trying to use a card or cash one of the checks, don't worry about it. Word is that both "he" and "it" are being dealt with right now.